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Renovation of a mixed-use development in East Saint Louis, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

BASE BID includes roofing replacement at original school and kitchen (AREA-2 and AREA-3), and restoration of gym roofing (AREA-4) and south wing roofing (AREA-5). ALTERNATE BID #1: Replacement of north wing roofing and boiler building (AREA-1 and AREA-6). ALTERNATE BID #2: Tuckpointing of a set amount of exterior masonry wall. ALTERNATE BID #3: Upgraded roof replacement at original school and kitchen (AREA-2 and AREA-3). ALTERNATE BID #4: Upgrade roof replacement at north wing building and boiler building (AREA-1 and AREA-6). Contractor will be responsible for ordering equipment and all materials immediately after contract execution and shop drawing approvals, regardless of the first day available for construction. Contractor will be responsible for storing and insuring equipment and materials until the first day available for construction (approximately December 2, 2022). The successful bidder shall enter into the Project Labor Agreement (Section 00 52 15 of the Contract Documents) with the Southwestern Illinois Building Trades Council (SIBTC) and their affiliated local craft unions, for all work as included within these drawings and specifications as a condition of being awarded a contract resulting from this solicitation. Any levels of Subcontractors shall enter into the same Project Labor Agreement. The Owner requires that construction cannot start until approximately December 2, 2022, and the project is to be substantially complete as follows: Base bid rehabilitation Areas 4 and 5 by March 31, 2023. Base bid tear off and reroof Areas 2 and 3 by May 12, 2023. Alternate bid tear off and reroof Areas 1 and 6 (if selected) by May 12, 2023. Should the Contractor fail to complete the Work within such time, Contractor agrees to compensate and will apply to the Owner for each and every day of such delay in completion of the Work beyond the Contract Time the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) per day for Work not completed by the substantial completion date as liquidated damages. Your Bid will be required to be submitted under a condition of irrevocability for a period of 30 days after submission. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids or any part thereof, to waive any informality in bidding, and to accept bids deemed most favorable to the Owner.




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November 10, 2022

December 2, 2022


1700 Jerome Ln, East Saint Louis, IL

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