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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Boston, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

RFQ - Owners Representation for Tower 1 and Cove Interlocking. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is soliciting Owner's Representation services for the Tower 1 and COVE Interlocking Project. The primary goal of this procurement is to assist the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to comply with Chapter 30: Section 39M 1/2 of the General Laws of Massachusetts. This solicitation calls for submittals that present a comprehensive scope of work to satisfy the Section 39M 1/2 requirements. Interested firms will outline an approach for the Owner's Representative for the Tower 1 and COVE Interlocking Project. The Authority requests that the Owner's Representative team will possess the expertise in key disciplines anticipated for the project, including but not limited to the following a. Project management and evaluation b. Coordination, facilitation, oversight, and monitoring c. Peer review of engineering elements d. Cost recovery and value engineering e. Statutory reporting The Owner's Representative assigned by the selected consultant shall be a registered civil or Structural Engineer or Architect with a minimum of 5 years of PM experience, and possess experience with MBTA systems, procedures, and inter-departmental coordination. The Owner's Representative shall also have a working knowledge of appropriate design codes and MBTA standards, including: MBTA Guide to Access, Massachusetts Building Code, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR): 521 CMR: Massachusetts Architectural Access Board (AAB), 750 CMR Chapter 34: Repair, Alterations, and Change of Use of Existing Buildings, and NFPA 130 - Standard for Fixed GuideWay Transit and Passenger Rail Systems. Proposers are solely responsible for assuring that the MBTA receives their SOQs by the specified delivery date and time, and as listed above. The MBTA shall not be responsible for delays in delivery. This project is expected to utilize Federal and non-federal funding. The DBE participation goal for this project is zero percent (0%) of the total amount authorized. In addition, the Authority strongly encourages the use of Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as prime consultants, sub-consultants and suppliers in all of its contracting opportunities. Responses to the Request for Qualification shall be electronic format of a current Standard Form (SF) 330 - Architect/Engineer Qualification Questionnaire for all proposed team members, including DBE and other proposed sub-consultant firms. In addition, all firms including subconsultants must submit as part of the Statement of Qualifications, an Affirmative Action Plan, Employee Profile, and the most current Massachusetts Unified Certification Program (MassUCP) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Certification Letters if applicable. Consistent with the equity-based innovations across federal, state and municipal government as well as the private and corporate sectors, the MBTA is also working to create meaningful, systemic change by promoting more equitable environments by enhancing its workforce and business partnerships through its strategies and initiatives related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Consideration for contracting opportunities with the MBTA will be based, in part, on an organizations ability to demonstrate its commitment to DEI including efforts to advance DEI in your organization, with your business partners and beyond your organization in the communities that you serve. In the MBTA Capital Program, we are also leveraging the DEI-related best practices and policy updates that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) is unveiling and promoting for diversity and small business programs Please utilize Section H (Additional Information) of the Standard Form (SF) 330 to address the following: 1) Demonstrate your firm's commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion within your organization by providing a copy of your firm's DEI Policy and a brief but detailed description of your DEI strategies and initiatives including but not limited to dedicated resources - both fiscal and human capital, and your approach to benchmarking and identifying gaps as well as opportunities to prioritize to advance the success of your organizations DEI readiness. (10 points) 2) Demonstrate your firm's commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion with your business partners by providing (I) a brief summary of how your firm has partnered with the following types of business enterprises over the last 2 years including Disadvantaged (DBE), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT), Services - Service Disabled Veteran owned (SDVOBE), Minority owned (MBE), Veteran owned (VBE) or Women owned (WBE) and (II) a brief but detailed summary of how your firm is providing opportunities for such firms on the Project Team and how you plan to use such firms to effectively delivery PMCM Services to the MBTA. (10 points) 3) Demonstrate your firm's commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion beyond your organization by describing all actions your firm is taking to proactively contribute to advancing DEI in the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry and beyond. (5 points) As part of the SF 330 information, Consultants shall also include the following information: 1. Proposed Team and Organization. 2. Key personnel qualifications for all project disciplines. The proposed Project Manager assigned by the selected consultant must be a registered Professional Engineer and possess at least ten (10) years of experience in design, construction, and construction supervision of similar types of projects, in nature, scope and complexity, with a minimum of five (5) years of project management experience. 3. Project experience of consultant team members that best illustrates current qualifications relevant to this project. 4. Additional information or description of resources supporting Firms' qualifications for the project. 5. General Evaluation (prior experience with MBTA and other agencies; overall assessment, proposed staffing, organization, design ability, and specific task related experience) It is the practice of the Authority to encourage the economic growth of professional firms through broad solicitation and award of contracts. All capable firms are invited to submit a Statement of Qualifications in accordance with the instructions presented in this solicitation. Following an initial evaluation of qualifications and performance data, firms considered to be the most highly qualified to provide the required services will be requested to submit proposals and may be invited to participate in oral interviews. Please note in order to be considered for an RFP, the proposer must pass the AA/EP. This is not a Request for Proposal. The MBTA reserves the right to cancel this procurement or to reject any or all Statements of Qualifications. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


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May 17, 2023


Multiple Locations, Boston, MA

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