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Published November 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Shreveport, Louisiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Description/Specifications/Work Statement The contractor shall furnish all necessary labor, materials, supplies, equipment, and transportation to provide Service on one Liebert System (Serial //37-7812) and one Peco II Inc. Rectifiers/Inverters & Absolyte 100A19 Battery Bank. This equipment is located at the Overton Brooks VA Medical Center, 510 East Stoner Ave, Shreveport LA, the contract period will be for one (I) base period from with four (4) one (1) year option periods. The contractor's maintenance shall be scheduled Monday through Friday 8-5 pm with Engineering Service, Service shall include the following: 1. Guaranteed 4-hour on-site emergency response, 7 days/week, and 24 hours/day. 2. Includes 100% corrective labor and travel coverage 7 days/week, 24 hours/day, Does not include labor for full-string replacement. 3. Includes access to Liebert Services Customer Services Network On-Line Internet portal. 4. Includes battery recycling as required, with documentation meeting EPA requirements. 5. Preventive Maintenance Service scheduled by the customer between 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday (excluding national holidays). 6. For 3-Phase UPS customers, includes one Semi-Annual and one Annual PM. 7. Single Jar Replacement- Service for Lead Acid Batteries: Includes freight, labor, disposal and batteries. UPS Full Preventative Maintenance Service Annual Service 1. Perform a temperature check on all breakers, connections, and associated controls, Repair and/or report all high temperature areas. 2. Perform a complete visual inspection of the equipment including subassemblies, wiring harness, contacts, cables, and major components. Check air cleaners for cleanliness. 3. Check modules completely for the following (if applicable): 4. Rectifier and inverter snubber boards for discoloration. 5. Power capacitors for swelling. 6. DC capacitor vent caps that have extruded more than 1/8 inch. 7. Record all voltages and current meter readings on the module control cabinet or the system control cabinet. 8. Measure and record harmonic trap filter currents. 9. Check the inverter and rectifier snubbers for burned or broken wires. 10. Check all nuts, bolts, screws, and connectors for tightness and heat discoloration. 11. Check fuses on the DC capacitor deck for continuity (if applicable). 12. With customer approval, perform operational test of the system including unit transfer and battery discharge. 13. Calibrate and record all electronics to system specifications. 14. Install and perform Engineering Field Change Notices as necessary. 15. Measure and record all low-voltage power supply levels. 16. Measure and record phase to phase input voltage and currents. 17. Review system performance with customer to address any questions and to schedule any repairs. Battery Inspection Service during Annual Visit 1. Check integrity of battery cabinet, 2. Visual inspection of the battery cabinet and/or room to include: 3. Check for NO-OX grease or oil on all connections 4. Check for corrosion on all terminals and cables, 5. Check battery jars for proper liquid level if flooded cells. 6. Examine the physical cleanliness of the battery room and jars, 7. Measure and record DC bus ripple voltage if applicable. o 8. Measure and record the total float voltage, VRLA (SEALED) BATTERY (SCOPE OF WORK) Work to be completed during semi-annual service 1. Inspect the appearance and cleanliness of the battery and the battery room, Clean normal jar top dirt accumulation (to be done only with battery off line). 2. Measure and record the total battery float voltage and charging current. 3. Measure and record the overall AC ripple voltage, 4. Measure and record the overall AC ripple current. 5. Visually inspect the jars and covers for cracks and leakage, 6. Visually inspect for evidence of corrosion, 7. Measure and record the ambient temperature. 8. Verify the integrity of the battery rack/cabinet, 9. Measure and record 100% of the jar temperatures. 10. Measure and record the float voltage of all jars. 11. Measure and record all internal ohm readings, 12, Provide a detailed written report noting any deficiencies and corrective action needed, taken 13, and/or planned. 14. Verify approval for Battery Life program. . Attachment: Proc.5,1k (Rev.03/12) Emerson Network Power, Liebert Services. Annual Services Annual Service Includes the Above, Plus 1, Re-tighten all battery connections to the battery manufacturer's specifications, if required. Refer to the manufacturer's literature to determine if re-tightening is required. 2, Measure and record all battery connection resistances in micro-olms, when applicable. Corrective Maintenance Performed as Required 1. Refurbish cell connections as deemed necessary by the detailed inspection report. Justification for service is to maintain emergency backup capability for facility networking systems in the event of power interruptions.



Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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510 E Stoner Ave, Shreveport, LA

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