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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Pennsauken, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

RFQ - Professional Services Contracts. The Township of Pennsauken (hereinafter the "Township") solicits statements of qualification from applicants for appointment to the following listed professional positions. Responses should address the general criteria and mandatory minimum criteria for the position sought. All responses will be treated as confidential and reviewed only by the governing body, unless otherwise required by law. All appointments will be announced at a public meeting. Unless otherwise noted appointments shall be for calendar year of 2023 or until a successor is duly appointed and are subject to the execution of an appropriate contract. Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. No oral, written or other form of amendment will be accepted by the Township after this time, unless requested by the Township. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all submissions, to waive any requirements of the RFP and to modify or amend, with the consent of the respondent, submissions. All submissions become the property of the Township. Submissions which, in the sole judgment of the Authority, fail to meet the requirements of the RFP or which are in any way conditional, incomplete, obscure, contain additions or deletions from requested information, or contain errors may be rejected. Non-responsive and late responses will be rejected without evaluation. For vendors that satisfy "Minimum Requirements" and "Mandatory Contents of Proposal" evaluations will be made by the Township on the basis of that which is the most advantageous, price and other factors considered. The evaluation will consider the criteria of experience and reputation in the field, professional expertise, including accreditation, licensing and/or membership in appropriate professional associations, knowledge of the Township and the subject matter to be addressed under the contract, past performance on other work for the Township, availability to accommodate any required meetings of the Township, availability of personnel and other resources to do the work on the schedule set forth by the Township, designated professional and support staff and location of offices, strength of assurances of performance provided, if required, financial stability and strength of the submitting firm, on-going criminal investigations or litigation, references in general, insurance provided, fee and compensation proposal, and other factors as demonstrated to be in the best interest of the Township. In addition Responses will be evaluated using the following criteria: (i) qualifications of the Respondent and proposed subcontractor(s) based upon (a) experience in providing the desired services and (b) personnel qualifications and experience of the respondent and its staff; (ii) references; (iii) proposed costs and other charges (if any); and (iv) familiarity with the Township and its requirements. Selection of the award shall be based solely on the Township's evaluation of the submissions and the criteria. The Township holds and may at its sole discretion, exercise the following rights and options with respect to this Request for proposals: 1. To interview the most qualified respondents. 2. To negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract to obtain the most advantageous situation for the Township. 3. To reject any or all submissions and to waive information required in the RFP is explicitly reserved by the Township 4. To issue additional solicitations for proposals and/or amendments to the RFP. 5. To modify dates. 6. To enter into agreements for only portions (or to not enter into an agreement for any) of the services contemplated by the proposal submitted. 7. All proposals prepared in response to this RFP are at the sole expense of the Proposer, and with the express understanding that there will be no claim, whatsoever, for reimbursement from the Township for the expense of preparation. 8. Proposals submitted in response to this RFP may contain technical, financial, or other data whose public disclosure could cause substantial injury to a Proposer's competitive position or constitute a trade secret. To protect these data from disclosure, the Proposer should specifically identify the pages of the proposal that contain such information, by properly marking the applicable pages and inserting the following notice in the front of its proposal. The Township Will not honor any attempt by a Proposer either to designate its entire proposal as proprietary and/or to claim copyright protection for its entire proposal. Any questions regarding this solicitation or process should be submitted in writing to Township of Pennsauken Township Administrator, 5605 North Crescent Boulevard, Pennsauken, N.J. 08110.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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May 23, 2023


Multiple Locations, Pennsauken, NJ

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