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Published February 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a municipal facility in Ashland, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

A five percent (5%) bid bond is required to accompany this bid. When required bid shall be accompanied by a Commonwealth of Virginia Standard Bid Bond, Form CO-10.2, payable to the Owner as obligee in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid. Failure to submit the bid bond on the Commonwealth of Virginia Standard Bid Bond, Form CO-10.2 will result in the bid being considered non-responsive. The project is generally described as the installation of a backup generator at the Atlee AHQ office trailer, include generator pads and electrical work to install a whole building backup generator. The generator installation will includes, but not limited to earthwork, electrical, concrete, and other work as indicated in the Plans and Specifications. The term used instead of the specific or proper assigned title of the entire undertaking which includes, but is not limited to, the Work and the A/E Services. Any questions pertaining to the IFB should be submitted to the Contract Officer using the contact information below: Joshua Saunders Phone: (804) 729-6845 Senior Procurement Officer Email: Joshua.Saunders@VDOT.Virginia.gov The general character and scope of the Work are illustrated and described by the Plans and the Specifications. If the Contractor deems additional detail or information to be needed, the Contractor shall request the same in writing from the A/E. The request shall precisely state the detail or information needed and shall explain why it is needed. The Contractor shall also indicate a date by which the requested information is required. The A/E shall provide by Field Order such further detail and information as is necessary by the date required so long as the date indicated is reasonable. Any additional drawings and instructions supplied to the Contractor shall be consistent with the Contract Documents, shall be true developments thereof, and shall be so prepared that they can be reasonably interpreted as a part thereof. The Contractor shall carry out the Work in accordance with the additional detail drawings and instructions at no additional cost to the Owner and with no time extension.




Public - State/Provincial

Renovation, Site Work





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10267 Telegraph Rd, Ashland, VA

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