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Published December 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Souris, Manitoba. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Cisco Unified Communications System (VOIP) Proposal must be for an Informacast compatible School Public Address System, Hosted or On Premise. Proposal will include cabling and termination. Proposal will include CSA approved wall-mounts for speakers, including installation. Sites to be serviced by this solution include: 1. Souris School, 55 Lansdowne Street 2. Wawanesa Schoo, l530 Commercial Street 3. Hartney School, 101 Garden Street. 4. Deloraine School, 112 Lake Street South 5. Melita School, 125 North Street 6. Pierson School, Gov't Road Estimated Number of IP-Based Speakers/Call Buttons required at each site are as follows: 1. Souris 50/41 2. Wawanesa30/24 3. Hartney 22/17 4. Deloraine 37/29 5. Melita 28/21 6. Pierson21/16 ESTIMATED TOTAL 188 Speakers 148 Call Buttons The model of IP-Based Speakers must be compatible with Informacast. Informacast Licensing will cover all hardware. The successful vendor will: - Design a solution based on the information provided in this document - Provide an experienced Project Manager to plan and co-ordinate the entire project. Proposed candidate must have PMP designation and have minimum experience of deploying at least 3 similar projects of similar or larger size. - Purchase all required equipment. - Configure all equipment. - Deploy all equipment. - Train Key Users Question Acceptance Deadline: 2022/11/18 12:00:00 AM EST Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com




Public - State/Provincial


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Souris, MB

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