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Published November 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Battle Creek, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

*A few things to note: All bidders must submit a bid for a Bid Package in its entirety. No partial Bid Packages will be accepted. All bids are to include a completed scope of work for the Bid Packages (no scope of work excluded). See Project Manual, Section G, Scopes of Work. A Bid Bond or Certified Check MUST be submitted with your bid. Regardless of bid amount. Please see the BID REQUIREMENTS section below. PROJECT: CISD Doris Klaussen Developmental Center - Pool Infill ***RE-BID OF BID PACKAGES 6.1 GENERAL TRADES AND 22.2 PLUMBING & HVAC*** PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project entails the filling of the existing pool and replacing it with a smaller therapy pool. Also included is the build-out of several classrooms, bathrooms and workrooms in the space the original pool used to occupy. SCHEDULE: December 2022 - June 2023 (a detailed schedule included with bid documents) BID PACKAGES: 6.1 General Trades 22.2 Plumbing & HVAC 1. CSM Project Safety and General Scope Requirements, unless otherwise noted below. 2. Verify interior and exterior pad elevations and building corners prior to commencing footing and slab placement or fine grading. Provide written acceptance to CSM prior to starting work. Commencement of work is acceptance of conditions. 3. Final grade and compact all subgrades beneath concrete placement, interior and exterior, to Contract Document dimensions, including positive flow off all concrete so that there is no standing water. This may include, but is no limited to, removal of ruts and additional final grading after other trades have finished their work. 4. Furnish and install all concrete footings, foundations, frost walls, interior slabs, exterior slabs, elevated slabs and related reinforcing steel within the specifications and architectural, structural, electrical and mechanical drawings. Include all means of placement, hoisting, pumping, conveying, etc., to accomplish this work per the updated project schedule. Provide shop drawings for all reinforcing steel. Shop drawings must be approved prior to placement of foundations and/or slabs. 5. Provide all chamfering of concrete, as indicated in Contract Documents. 6. Furnish and install fall protection in accordance with OSHA requirements at all openings and edges. 7. Furnish and install all formwork for all penetrations, box outs, and edging at all levels. 8. Mesh for slabs shall be furnished in sheets, only, and cut or welded on site to meet areas being poured. 9. Note requirements in specifications for providing layout of floor construction joints. The structural drawings indicate basic layout. Before beginning slab pours, actual layout must be reviewed by CSM and Architect/Engineer. Provide a dated pour schedule of floor slabs in accordance with the Schedule included in the Project Manual. Pour schedules must be reviewed and accepted at least four weeks prior to start of work on any of these items. Update the pour schedule daily with actual pour dates on Master Schedule located in CSM's field office. 10. Receive, unload, store, and install anchor bolts, embeds, sleeves, setting plates, and miscellaneous items furnished by this Bid Package and/or other Bid Packages, and embedded within the work of this Bid Package. Verify accuracy of installed elevation of base plates using a registered engineer and provide CSM an as-built drawing. Plate elevation and location must be within 1/8" (this is not an average) of plan dimensions prior to setting of structural steel. Anchor bolts and base plates furnished by Bid Package 5.1. This work is the responsibility of Bid Package 3.1 until the steel erector has signed off on their placement or set steel on them. BID DOCUMENTS PROJECT MANUAL - DKDC Pool Infill 10.07.2022 DRAWINGS - DKDC Pool Infill 09.13.2022 SPECIFICATIONS - DKDC Pool Infill 09.13.2022 Supplemental Project Manual - DKDC Pool Infill 11.01.2022 ADDENDUMS ADDENDUM 01 - DKDC Pool Infill 10.14.2022 CLARIFICATIONS CLARIFICATION 01 - DKDC Pool Infill 10.18.2022 CLARIFICATION 02 - DKDC Pool Infill 11.17.2022 RFIs – Submission period has closed RFI 001 - Earthwork Scope RFI 002 - Silt Sock Request RFI 003 - Fire Alarm Details RFI 004 - Flooring and Wall Tile RFI 005 - Pool Discharge Materials to Sump Basin RFI 006 - Door Hardware Sets RFI 007 - Existing Wood Door Veneer RFI 008 - Acoustical Ceilings RFI 009 - Pool Detail, Upper Slab, Floor Removal RFI 010 - Countertops RFI 011 - Existing Key System RFI 012 - Sills RFI 013 - Deleted RFI 014 - Structural Steel Under Pool Deck RFI 015 - Engineered Shoring RFIs – Not Yet Issued RFI 016 - Floor Tile Demo RFI 017 - Acoustical Ceiling Demo Schedule *RFI 016-017 has been released.




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November 22, 2022

December 1, 2022


408 Jameson Ave, Battle Creek, MI

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