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Published January 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 3,800-square-foot educational facility.

The project consists of interior alterations Work of approximately 3,800 square feet at the CCIU Learning Center for the Chester County Intermediate Unit. The project is located on 1635 East Lincoln Highway in Coatesville, Chester County, Pennsylvania. For any and/or all of the following separate Prime Contracts, which includes all work indicated on the Contract Documents: General Construction Mechanical Construction Plumbing Construction Electrical Construction. A certified check, bank cashiers check, trust company treasurers check, or a bid bond on the forms set forth in the contract documents, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the combined base bid, as set forth in Paragraph 10 of the Instructions to Bidders. An Agreement of Surety certifying that a Surety Company is committed to provide the bidder with a Performance Bond and Payment Bond each in the amount of 100% of the combined contract amount, as set forth in Paragraph 14 of the Instructions The Architect is responsible to issue Bidding Documents and/or Addenda only to those bidders who have paid the appropriate deposit amount and obtained Bidding Documents through the Architect office. The Architect is not required to issue Bidding Documents and/or Addenda to subcontractors, suppliers, or bidders who obtain documents through other sources. The Architect is not responsible for completeness of Bidding Documents and/or Addenda obtained through sources other than the Architects office. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or any part thereof or items therein and to waive technicalities as it deems best to protect its interest. This project is subject to the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, approved August 15, 1961, P.L. 987 (Act No. 442), as amended and supplemented, and reference is made to the prevailing minimum wage rates applicable to this project which has been promulgated by the Secretary of Labor and Industry. Bidders shall refer to provisions of the Federal and State statutes, rules and regulations dealing with the prevention of environmental pollution and the preservation of the public natural resources that affect the project; said statement of provisions being submitted, as part of the specifications, pursuant to Section 3301 of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Procurement Code All proposals submitted are valid for acceptance by the Owner and may not be withdrawn for a period of at least sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof unless the award of contract is delayed by the required approvals of another governmental agency, sale of bonds or award of grant or grants, in which case, bids shall be irrevocable for 120 days in accordance with Section 3911 of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Procurement Code. Extension of the date for the award of contract may be made by mutual written consent of Owner and the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder. The Bid Security of Bidders will be returned (unless forfeited as set forth in Paragraph 11 of the Instructions to Bidders) at the Bidders request, upon (i) the execution of the Agreement Between Owner and Contractor by Owner, or (ii) the rejection of all Bids by Owner, or (iii) the expiration of the firm Bid period set forth in this paragraph. The Owner shall not be liable for any interest on all bid security that is held in accordance with these provisions. Bid Results:- 1. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION - BSS Contractors, LLC-$584,000 2. PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION- Five Star Mechanical, Inc-$83,153 3. MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION-Myco Mechanical, Inc.-$66,000 4. ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION- Ford Brothers Electrical Co., Inc- $131,850

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1635 E Lincoln Hwy, Coatesville, PA

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