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Published November 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Bainbridge Island, Washington. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The City of Bainbridge Island is soliciting proposals from consulting firms with backgrounds and experience in evaluating, designing, and supporting the installation of security systems for public facilities. Background The city is in the process of renovating an existing building to serve the city's police and municipal court functions. The renovation is expected to be complete in the fall of 2023 and will include the installation of a security system consisting of surveillance cameras, internal and external card readers, and other supporting systems. Concurrent with this work, the city desires to upgrade, and potentially enhance, the existing security system at the City Hall building (built in 2000) to synchronize with the new police and court facility system. Depending on the cost of these upgrades, the city may also wish to enhance security at other public facilities in conjunction with this work. Scope of Work The city envisions that the proposal would include at least the following tasks: Task 1 - Preliminary City Hall Security Evaluation: Evaluate the current City Hall security system, which consists primarily of external card readers and alarm system, and a limited number of internal card readers, and make recommendations regarding the upgrade scope and cost estimate - including areas of potential expansion of the system to currently unsecure areas of the building. This work may include the evaluation of a new security door in the City Hall lobby area that is currently under consideration. Task 2 - Final Design for City Hall Security System: Develop plans, specifications and estimates for the City Hall security system upgrades with the intent of including the materials in a public bidding process for construction, ideally in coordination with the construction of the police and court facility in the late spring/summer of 2023. Task 3 - Construction Administration: Assist the owner with contracting for the procurement, installation and integration of the security hardware and software systems, including synchronization with the police and court facility system. Task 4 - Alternative Facility Evaluation: Evaluate the current security concerns at the City's Operations and Maintenance Facility at Hidden Cove Road and make a recommendation regarding potential security installations/upgrades along with high-level cost estimates - similar evaluations may also be requested for other City facilities at the City's direction on a time and materials basis. The schedule for design and construction of this work is not yet determined. Requirements for Qualifications Responses (as applicable) Identify the person or persons proposed to be involved with the project, including any technical partners and describe their respective roles, including: Information regarding each member's experience and qualifications; Resume of key team members; Description of how the team will be organized and led; and, Description of the consultant's relevant experience with similar projects. Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of RFP responses will be based upon the following: Success in implementing similar projects; Qualifications and availability of project team members, including references; and, Demonstrated understanding of the project and client needs. General Provisions and Conditions The City reserves the right to: Reject any and all responses; Waive minor irregularities in a response; Cancel, revise, or extend this solicitation; Request additional information on any response beyond that required by this RFP; Have the final decision on the selection; and, Modify the timeline and issue addenda to this document. Schedule This project is scheduled to start in December 2022 and continue through mid-2023. Budget The city's Capital Improvement Plan currently identifies the City Hall Security Upgrade project as having a budget of $150K. Evaluation of the cost of design and support services will be based on a relevant and reasonable percentage of the assumed overall project budget. Submission Requirements Interested consultants must submit an electronic copy of the response to the RFP. The city will become owner of all submitted materials and will not pay any costs related to any responses to the RFP. All consultants must demonstrate compliance with the City's insurance requirements at the time of contract approval and obtain a City Business License. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information The City of Bainbridge Island in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing cityclerk@bainbridgewa.gov or by calling collect 206.842.2545. Title VI Notice: The City of Bainbridge Island in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration for an award. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. As of November 9, 2022, the due date and time has been confirmed by the owner.




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November 23, 2023


280 Madison Ave N, Bainbridge Island, WA

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