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Saving Project...

Published January 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Page, Arizona. Working plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The owner has selected a Design Builder. A timeline for construction has not yet been established The project name and proposer's name and address should be clearly indicated on the outside of the envelope. Proposals sent through Federal Express or other express mail agencies must have the proposal documents sealed within an additional envelope inside the outer mailer. Questions shall be directed to: Lynn Cormier, Director of Community & Recreation Services, PO Box 1180, Page, AZ 86040 (928) 645-4314 or via email to lcormier@pageaz.gov. Persons with disabilities may call the City Clerk at (928) 645-4221 regarding availability of information in alternative formats. City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or parts thereto and to waive any informalities or irregularity in the proposals received. City will be the sole judge of the merits of the proposals received. No binding contract will exist between the proposer and City until City executes a written contract. Upon review and evaluation of the proposals, City will select and negotiate with the contractor whose proposal is responsive to this RFP, receives the highest number of points, and is in the best interest of City. Any documents submitted in response to this RFP must provide sufficient detail and information so as to allow a complete evaluation of its merit. The instructions contained herein should be followed for responses to be considered responsive to this RFP. City reserves the right to cancel this RFP at any time. City seeks proposals for the design and construction of a new 4 to 5 mile single-track, Red Mesa Rim Trail ("Trail") which will be located on the mesa located at the SE corner of Hwy 98 and Coppermine Road in Page, Arizona. This Trail will encompass an approximate 5-mile loop, starting and ending from both ends of a parking lot. The Contractor awarded this bid will provide all the equipment, labor, and materials needed to complete construction of the Red Mesa Rim Trail. Construction to be done with a mini-excavator not to exceed 36" in width. All suitable excavated material shall be conserved and used in the construction of trailway embarkments, trail tread, and backfill, when applicable. All disturbed soil within the trailbed area shall be re-compacted. Rocks over 4 inches in greatest diameter not used in construction shall be placed beyond the trailbed edge on the mesa downslope side. Rocks that are used in the construction shall be placed and distributed to ensure no blockage of drainage, nor creation of a windrow effect The objective of this RFP is to select a Design-Build team to work with City on the concept development, final design, and construction of the trail. The tentative schedule is as follows: Contract Award - January 11, 2023 Notice to Proceed - January 23, 2023 Questions shall be directed to: Lynn Cormier, Director of Community & Recreation Services, PO Box 1180, Page, AZ 86040 (928) 645-4314 or via email to lcormier@pageaz.gov. RFP packages may also be accessed on the City of Page website at www.cityofpage.org beginning on 11/9/22. .


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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AZ-98 & Coppermine Rd, Page, AZ

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