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Published November 3, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Louisburg, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This study will provide the vision, goals, high-level space needs, and preliminary budgeting for a new building on the Franklin Campus of Vance-Granville Community College that will serve as a workforce and advanced technical training center with an interdisciplinary focus in the areas of bioprocess technologies and life sciences. This new facility will include training labs, as well as classroom and flex spaces to accommodate current and future training initiatives. Scope of work to include: (1) architectural research through user group interviews and industry feedback, (2) pre-design conception that accounts for functional adjacencies, including building and space planning and programming, cataloging of needed space, furnishings, and equipment, and sample room layouts, and (3) : re paration of estimated construction costs. This study will provide the vision, goals, high-level space needs, and preliminary budgeting for a new building on the Franklin Campus of Vance-Granville Community College that will serve as a workforce and advanced technical training center with an interdisciplinary focus in the areas of bioprocess technologies and life sciences. This new facility will include training labs, as well as classroom and flex spaces to accommodate current and future training initiatives. The scope of work for this project includes; (1) architectural research through user group interviews and industry feedback, (2) pre-design conception that accounts for functional adjacencies, including building and space planning and programming, cataloging of needed space, furnishings, and equipment, and sample room layouts, and (3) preparation of estimated construction costs. Fee for facility needs assessment and pre-design planning study will be negotiable upon award to most qualified firm. The study will be funded by an Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant (EDA Federal Grant). The projected new 12,000 square foot facility will be located on the Franklin Campus of Vance-Granville Community College at 8100 N.C. 56 Highway in Louisburg, North Carolina. Please submit questions about the project to the attention of: Steven C. Graham, MPA, C.P.M, CLGPO Vice President of Finance and Operations Phone: (252) 738-3446 Email: grahams@vgcc.edu The selected firm will work through the Offices of the Vice President of Finance and Operations along with a building committee that includes user representatives. The process will involve representatives from the Economic Development Administration and the State Construction Office on as needed basis. All recipients of federally funded grants or that use federal assistance to support procurements must comply with the applicable provisions of the Federal procurement standards 2 CFR pt. 200. As a result, firms awarded federally funded contracts by Vance-Granville Community College, in addition to contract clauses required by North Carolina law and other applicable federal regulations specific to a federal award, must comply with federal and state contract provisions unless a particular award term or condition specifically indicates otherwise. These terms and conditions will be incorporated into any resulting contract. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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January 2, 2023


8100 NC-56, Louisburg, NC

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