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Renovation of an educational facility in Windham, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Summary of Work includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Removal of the existing air handling unit and cleaning of the existing ductwork associated with the unit.. 2. Installation of a new make-up air air handling unit.. 3. Modifications of the hot water piping, replacement of the circulating pump and reconnecting the hot water piping to the AHU heating coil. 4. Automatic controls and power reconnection. Please see Project Manual for complete details. This contract is subject to the provisions of Executive Order No Three of Governor Thomas J. Meskill, promulgated June 16, 1971, and, as such, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended by the State Labor Commissioner for violation of noncompliance with said Executive Order No. Three, or any State or federal law concerning nondiscrimination, withstanding that the Labor Commissioner is not a party to this contract. The parties of this contract, as part of the consideration hereof, agree that said Executive Order No. Three is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. The parties agree to abide by said Executive Order and agree that the State Labor Commissioner shall have continuing jurisdiction in respect to contract performance in regard to nondiscrimination, until the contract is completed or terminated prior to completion. The contractor, agrees as part of consideration hereof, that this contract is subject to the Guidelines and Rules issued by the State Labor Commissioner to Implement Executive Order No. Three, and that he will not discriminate in his employment practices or policies, will file all reports as required, and will fully cooperate with the State of Connecticut and the Labor Commissioner. This contract is also subject to the provisions of Executive Order No. Seventeen of Governor Thomas J. Meskill promulgated February 15,1973, and, as such, this contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended by the contracting agency or the State Labor Commissioner for violation of or noncompliance with said Executive Order No. Seventeen, notwithstanding that the Labor Commissioner may not be a party to this contract. The parties of this contract, as a part of the consideration hereof, agree that Executive Order No. Seventeen is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. The parties agree to abide by said Executive Order and agree that the contracting agency and the State Labor Commissioner shall have joint and several continuing jurisdiction in respect to contract performance in regard to listing all employment openings with the Connecticut State Employment Service. The award shall be made on the lowest Sum of base bid amount including any accepted supplemental bid(s). The supplemental bids must be accepted in sequential order as they are listed herein. The Owner/Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to accept a bid in greater compliance with the materials, labor, and methods defined in this specification. In the event of any discrepancy between the amount written in words and the amount written in numerical figures, the amount written in words shall be controlling. The contractor is required to hold his bid price for sixty (60) days. In the event that the contract award is delayed beyond the (60) days, the Agency must obtain written confirmation from the contractor extending the bid. The Contractor shall commence work within five (5) working days after receiving notice to begin work by the Agency. The Contractor shall commence work within five (5) working days after receiving notice to begin work by the Agency. Bids shall be for the complete work as specified and shall include the names of any subcontractors for the four classes of work specified in subsection (a) of Section 4b-93 of the General Statutes of Connecticut as revised, and for each other class of work for which the awarding authority has required a separate section pursuant to said subsection and the dollar amounts of their subcontracts, and the contractor shall be selected on the basis of such bids. It shall be presumed that the bidder intends to perform with its own employees all work in such four classes and such other classes, for which no subcontractor is named. The bidder's qualifications for performing such work shall be subject to review under Section 4b-92 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, as revised. Every general bid, which is on a form not completely filled in or which is incomplete, conditional or obscure, or which contains any addition not called for shall be invalid; and the awarding authority shall reject every such bid. The awarding authority shall be authorized to waive minor irregularities which he considers in the best interest of the state, provided the reasons for any such waiver are stated in writing by the awarding authority and made a part of the contract file. No such bid shall be rejected because of the failure to submit prices for, or information relating to, any item or items for which no specific space is provided in the bid form furnished by the awarding authority, but this sentence shall not be applicable to any failure to furnish prices or information required by Section 4b-95 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, as revised, to be furnished in the bid form provided by the awarding authority. Bids shall be publicly opened and read by the awarding authority forthwith. The awarding authority may require in the bid form that the contractor agree to perform a stated, minimum percentage of work with its own forces. The awarding authority may also require the contractor to set aside a portion of the contract for subcontractors who are eligible for set-aside contracts. The awarding authority shall not permit substitution of a subcontractor for one named in accordance with the provisions of said Section 4b95 or substitution of a subcontractor for any designated subtrade work bid to be performed by the contractor's own forces, except for good cause. The term "good cause" includes but is not limited to a subcontractor's or, where appropriate, a contractor's: (1) death or physical disability, if the listed subcontractor is an individual; (2) dissolution, if a corporation or partnership; (3) bankruptcy; (4) inability to furnish any performance and payment bond shown on the bid form; (5) inability to obtain, or loss of, a license necessary for the performance of the particular category of work; (6) failure or inability to comply with a requirement of law applicable to contractors, subcontractors, or construction, alteration, or repair projects; (7) failure to perform his agreement to execute a subcontract under Section 4b-96 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, as revised. The bid price shall be the price set forth in the space provided on the bid form. No bid shall be rejected (1) because of error in setting forth the name of a subcontractor as long as the subcontractor or subcontractors designated are clearly identifiable, or (2) because the plans and specifications do not accompany the bid or are not submitted with the bid. Failure to correctly state a subcontractor's price shall be a cause for rejection of the bid. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the University, or the bid may be accompanied by a bid bond, in the form required by the awarding authority, having as surety thereto such surety company or companies acceptable to the agency and as are authorized to do business in this State, for an amount not less than of the bid. All checks submitted by unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them after the contract has been awarded. On or before the contract award date the successful bidder, for any bid equal to or exceeding $50,000, shall substitute for the certified check or bid bond accompanying his bid, an executed Performance Bond, in an amount not less than conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract, and having as surety thereto such Surety Company or Companies satisfactory to the Agency and as are authorized to transact business in this State. At this same time the successful bidder, for any bid equal to or exceeding $50,000, shall submit a labor and material bond in an amount not less than of the contract price which shall be binding upon the award of the contract to such bidder, with surety or sureties satisfactory to the Agency and as are authorized to transact business in this State, for the protection of persons supplying labor or materials in the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract for the use of each such person. Any such bond furnished shall have as principal the name of the successful bidder. This bond is to be furnished pursuant to Section 49-41 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, as revised. The following sections of the General Statutes of Connecticut, as revised, are inserted as information concerning this bond. A working day is hereby defined as each consecutive day, including and following the date set for commencement of work, except Saturdays, Sundays and state legal holidays and except those days on which, in the opinion of the awarding authority, the Contractor is prevented by inclement weather from proceeding with work on the major items under construction at the then current stage of the work at least six (6) hours with the usual force employed on these major items, provided however, that in the event the State directs or permits work to be performed on a Saturday, Sunday or a state legal holiday, then such day shall be considered a working day. The undersigned further understands that this contract requires 6.25% Connecticut Registered Small Business Set-Aside subcontractor participation which must be Woman or Minority Owned (WBE/MBE). Participating contractor list may be obtained from the Department of Economic Development (860) 258- 4254. P.A. 13-404 increases the percentages of work required to be self-performed by any prime SBE/MBE Company that is awarded a contract under the set-aside statutes. Previously a company awarded a set- aside contract was required to self perform 15% of such contract; it will now be required to self-perform at least 30%. Further SBE and MBE's that subcontract some of the work under their setaside contracts will be required to sub-contract at least 50% of the remaining work. this form and required proposal schedule forms must be completed and returned with bid proposal.




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83 Windham St, Windham, CT

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