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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Mactaquac, New Brunswick. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

THC plans to negotiate a multi-year contract with a proponent for the renovation and operation of the Mactaquac Lodge Restaurant and Kitchen. THC is expecting the renovation to be completed by April 30th, 2023, for the restaurant opening for the 2023 Golf Season. The renovation and operation of the Mactaquac Lodge Restaurant and Kitchen will be paid entirely by the proponent. Only proponents who attended the site visit will be invited to the vendor meeting. MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS: a) Submissions must be received in their entirety by the time and date indicated. b) Submissions must be signed by an official of the company who is authorized to sign on behalf of/and bind the company to statements made in their submission. c) All interested proponents must attend a site visit. Only those proponents who have signed the site visit sign-in sheet will be considered for award. Written questions relating to this opportunity may be submitted to the address provided below via email by clicking on Questions. Please be sure to include the solicitation/tender number in the subject line. EMAIL ADDRESS: A bidder must obtain official solicitation documents from a distribution service, authorized by the Minister of Service New Brunswick, in order to submit a bid. The current authorized distribution services are the New Brunswick Opportunities Network (NBON) (operated by Service New Brunswick, Province of NB), BIDSAlert (operated by Tendering Publications Ltd.) and MERX (operated by Mediagrif Interactive Technologies). Bids should be submitted on the official bid documents obtained from these authorized distribution services. Location: 1265 Route 105, Mactaquac, NB Tender Cancelled - No bids received

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Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1265 NB-105, Mactaquac, NB

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