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Published December 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for an educational facility in Louisville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the demolition of a 80,000-square-foot, seven-story above grade educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

As of December 9,2022, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. Description and Type of Building: Built in 1962. 7 story building with a Basement and Penthouse Building square footage is just under 80,000 square feet Structure of the building is poured in place concrete Majority of the interior walls are Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Exterior walls are CMU with brick on the outside Abatement has been completed Project start: as soon as the contract is executed the contractor shall begin preparations for work on-site. Work may begin upon written notice by the University Final Completion: will be decided upon execution of the contract - based upon the contractors proposed demolition schedule Liquidated damages of $250/day Payment and performance bond is required for this project. AIA progress billing is required for this project 10% retainage will be withheld Prevailing wages not required Certified payroll is not required for this project. Completed front page of this document (Statement of Non-Collusion) Form of Proposal Bidder Qualification Form Bid Bond Certificate of Insurance (which names the University of Louisville as additionally insured) Demolition schedule Questions Due - 11/17/2022 by 2:00PM, EST. If any person contemplating the submission of a bid has any doubt as to the true meaning, of any part of the invitation, he/she should contact Evan Riddell at evan.riddell@louisville.edu. Vendors requesting clarifications to this Invitation to Bid may submit in writing questions for official response by the University. Questions should be sent via email to Evan Riddell at evan.riddell@louisville.edu The University reserves the right to reject any or all offers and to waive minor technicalities. Any questions regarding this Invitation to Bid should be directed to: Evan Riddell Department of Procurement Services University of Louisville Louisville KY 40292 evan.riddell@louisville.edu Bids shall be accompanied by a bid guarantee of not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the base bid executed by a Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Kentucky and countersigned by a licensed Kentucky Resident Agent representing the Surety Company. (Certified Check Acceptable) It is agreed that in the event that this bid is accepted by the owner and the Contractor shall fail to execute a contract within ten (10) consecutive calendar days from the date of notifications of the Award of Contract, the Owner shall determine that the contractor has abandoned the contract and thereupon, the Bid shall become null and void, and the bid guarantee, check of bid bond which accompanied it shall be forfeited and become the property of the Owner as liquidated damages for such failure and no protest pursuant to such action will be allowed. The awarded Contractor shall furnish a performance and payment bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price as security for the faithful performance of this contract and for the payment of all persons performing labor, including payment of all unemployed contributions which become due and payable under the Kentucky Unemployment Insurance Law furnishings materials in connection with this contract.




Public - City

Demolition, Site Work





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627 S Preston St, Louisville, KY

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