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Site work and renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Lakeside, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Work to be done includes, in general, furnish all labor, equipment and materials for the construction of four carport structures with solar panels installed on the roofs of all four carports. Solar energy generated by the project will supplement all the energy needs of the Lakeside Baseball Field and bring the site to zero net energy. Hardscape and planting areas within the vicinity of the carports will be modified, repaired, and replaced per the construction documents. Additive Alternate 1 (also known as Bid Alternate 1): 2 additional carports with solar panels installed on the roofs of two carports. There will be two level2 electrical vehicle charger and lighting for the shade structure. Any questions relative to this project, prior to execution of the Contract, should be directed to: Holly Lam, Procurement Contracting Officer Email: If delivering the RFB at the Purchasing and Contracting front desk on the due date, Bidder should plan to arrive early, as parking may be limited. When submitting via electronically, allow extra time to submit by an alternate method in the event of technical difficulties. Late submission cannot be considered unless there was mishandling on the part of the County of San Diego purchasing staff. Submittals must be received at the Purchasing and Contractings front counter by the identified date and time. If utilizing a courier service or USPS, be advised that all courier service deliveries, including USPS, might be delivered to the Countys central mail room, which may result in late submission and rejection of your bid. The Countys decision about the timeliness or responsiveness of any submitted document shall be final, and the County has the discretion to waive or not waive any defect or nonconformance. The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or irregularity in the bids or bidding. Withdrawal of bids shall not be permitted for a period of seventy-five (75) working days after the date set for the opening thereof. Monies withheld by the County to ensure performance under the Contract may be released in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22300 and these Contract Documents. The County will provide an overview of the RFB process and may provide a program/technical overview and other information. Requests for clarification related to definition or interpretation of this RFB shall be submitted in writing as Questions in accordance with Duty to Inquire, Questions, and Explanation to Bidders detailed below. Duty to Inquire, Questions, and Explanation to Bidders: Bidders Inquiries and County Responses - All communications from the Bidder (including its employees, agents, and representatives) to the County or its officers and employees (including consultants working on or assisting with this procurement) related to this RFB must be directed in writing exclusively to the Contracting Officer, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer. Any improper contact may, at Countys sole discretion, cause the Bidder to be removed from consideration for contract award. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in or omissions from, or be in doubt as to the meaning of, the RFB or related documents, Bidder shall have a duty to at once notify the County. Such notifications, or other requests for explanation regarding the RFB or related documents, shall be directed to the Contracting Officer in writing as a question (Question). Bidder is responsible for ensuring that Questions are received by the County. The County may choose not to respond to Questions received after the date stated in the Cover Letter. Bidders should not communicate with or attempt to contact any other County personnel about this solicitation, except as otherwise allowed for in this RFB. The Contractor shall possess, at the time of submitting the bid, a California contractors license, Class A, General Engineering Contractor. In accordance with Board of Supervisors Policy B-39a Public Works Procurements estimated (by the County) to exceed $1 million: the prime contractor shall meet or exceed 3% DVB Subcontractor Participation goal. Public Works Procurements estimated (by the County) to exceed $500,000 but not $1 million: the prime contractor shall make a good faith effort to meet or exceed a 3% DVB Subcontractor Participation goal. Public Works Procurements estimated (by the County) to be $500,000 or less, DVB Subcontractor Participation is encouraged, but not required. DVB participation may be documented on page 2-10 but is not required at this estimate level. This public works project is from $ 1.5M to $ 2M based on Total Bid. Work to be done includes, in general, furnish all labor, equipment and materials for the base bid and additive alternates as indicated below and in the construction documents. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The County of San Diego engaged the following Architect-Engineering firm with its subcontractors, or other firms to provide the Plans, Specifications, and Engineers Estimate (PS&E) and other related supporting technical documents or services for this construction procurement IMEG Corp. The Owner, as a matter of policy, encourages the participation of disabled veteran businesses, collectively a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSD) or a Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE). In the form of cash, or a certified or cashiers check, or a Bidders Bond for at least ten percent of the bid amount executed by a company duly authorized to issue bonds in the State of California and certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury shall accompany the bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond for one hundred percent, and a Payment Bond for one hundred percent of the Contract amount executed by a company duly authorized to issue bonds in the State of California and certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury This project is a public work in accordance with Labor Code 1720, et seq. It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all workers employed in the execution of the contract are paid the correct prevailing wage rate of wages.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Renovation, Site Work

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10030 Marathon Pkwy, Lakeside, CA

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