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Published November 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, remodeling and addition to a medical facility in Orange City, Iowa. Completed plans call for the addition of a medical facility; for the demolition of a medical facility; and for the remodel of a medical facility.

On behalf of the Orange City Area Health System (OCAHS), we wish to invite your company to submit a proposal for multiple projects including two additions to the Landsmeer Ridge Retirement Community, located at 1007 7 th Street NE, Orange City, IA 51041. The Construction Manager At-Risk is expected to become a member of the Project Team and work closely with the Owner and Architect during Project final design and construction document development. At a minimum, the Construction Manager/General Contractor shall provide the services outlined in the enclosed AIA Document A133 CMc - 2019 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner & Construction Manager as Constructor - Cost of Work Plus a Fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price Agreement. It is anticipated construction documents for the Project will be completed in early 2023. The selected CMc will begin their review of the current design documents upon engagement by OCAHS. All sub-contracts of the project will be bid, and the final bid selections will be made with the Owner pursuant to the AIA Document A133 CMc Construction Management Agreement noted above. The Construction Manager AtRisk will provide the General Conditions for the project. The Construction Manager At-Risk may also be a bidder for portions ofthe work with their own workforce. All subcontractors will be the responsibility oftheConstruction Manager At-Risk, who will enter into a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Contract in accordance with the AIA Document A133 CMc Construction Management Agreement Landsmeer Ridge project consists of renovations to common areas and three separate additions to the existing community. Commons renovations consist of a new bistro, updated dining, new salon, updated library, new restrooms and updated finishes on corridors connecting these spaces. The first addition adds five new assisted living units on the northwest end of the existing Assisted Living. The second addition adds a community room at the front of the building and the third addition adds a new kitchen and loading dock on the back of the building. The Construction Manager/General Contractor shall also provide a final construction schedule by February 15, 2022. It is anticipated thatthe Construction Manager At-Risk shall submit a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)to the Owner by February 15, 2022. Current anticipated construction budget is $7.0-8.0 million dollars. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Remodeling

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November 15, 2022

July 14, 2023


1000 Lincoln Cir, Orange City, IA

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