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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Phoenix, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

PURPOSE: Pursuant to provisions of the Arizona Procurement Code, A.R.S. 41-2501, et. seq., the State of Arizona, Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry intends to establish a Contract for Asphalt and Tack Coat. 2 AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT: This Contract activity is issued under the authority of the Arizona Department of Corrections, Chief Procurement Officer. No alteration of any portion of the Contract, any items or services awarded, or any other agreement that is based upon this Contract may be made without express written approval of the Department in the form of an official Contract amendment. Any attempt to alter any documents on the part of the ordering agency or any Contractor is a violation of the Contract and the Arizona Procurement Code. Any such action is subject to legal and Contractual remedies available to the State inclusive of, but not limited to, Contract cancellation, suspension and/or debarment of the Contractor. 3 ELIGIBLE AGENCIES: Any contract resulting from this solicitation shall be for the exclusive use of the Arizona Department of Corrections Rehabilitation and Re-entry. 4 DOCUMENTS FOR AWARD: ADCRR will not sign any agreements or any other documents presented for the services listed herein. The completed Offer and Acceptance form signed by the Chief Procurement Officer and the award notice will be the Contract. 5 BIDDING CONDITIONS: At the time of the opening of the bid, each bidder shall be presumed to have inspected the site, and to have read and be thoroughly familiar with the contract documents, including all addendums. The bidder shall satisfy himself as to the] nature and locations of the work and the general and local conditions. The bidder shall gain full knowledge as to the employment of labor, transportation, disposal handling and storage material, availability of water, electric power and all other facilities in the area that will have a bearing on the performance of this work and the contract for which he submits his bid. 6 SUBMISSION OF OFFER: 6.1 Electronic Documents. The solicitation document is provided in an electronic format. Any unidentified alteration or modification to any solicitation document, to any attachments, exhibits, forms, charts or illustrations contained herein shall be null and void. In those instances where modifications are identified, the original document published by the State shall take precedence. As provided in the solicitation instructions, Offerors are responsible for clearly identifying any and all changes or modifications to any solicitation documents upon submission to the State. 6.2 Acceptable Formats. Offer electronic files shall be submitted in a format acceptable to the State. Acceptable formats include .DOC and .DOCX (Microsoft word), .XLS and .XSLX (Microsoft Excel), .PPT and >PPTX (Microsoft Powerpoint) and .PDF (Adobe Acrobat). Other file formats may also be acceptable, including .ZIP, .MDB, .MDBX, .MPP, .MPPX, .VSD, .JPG, .GIF, and .BMP. Offerors wishing to submit files in these or other formats shall submit an inquiry to the States solicitation contact person. 7 SUBMISSION REQUIRED IN APP: 7.1 Offer shall be submitted in an acceptable format, as described herein, using the State's online eProcurement application APP ( Submission of offers by means other than APP system will not be accepted. 7.2 To submit an offer, Offerors must register in the APP system. Offerors requiring assistance in the registration process or in navigating the APP system may call the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) Help Desk at (602) 542-7600). 8 QUESTIONS, CLARIFICATION OR INTERPRETATION: Any doubt as to the requirements of the solicitation or any apparent omissions or discrepancies shall be presented in writing through the APP discussion forum tab. The Department shall determine the appropriate action necessary, if any, and issue a solicitation amendment to the solicitation through APP. 9 REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: 9.1 There are mandatory attachments/forms that shall be acknowledged and completed by all offerors. Please open and read all attachments. Please print, complete, and save the required forms as attachments to your offer. Offerors without these forms completed and attached may be deemed non-responsive. 9.1.1 Responses shall follow the same general format attachments are already in: Attachment 1, Offer and Acceptance Form Attachment 2, Boycott of Israel Disclosure Attachment 3, Rules for Non-Employees of ADCRR in Arizona State Prison Form Attachment 4, Proposed Subcontractors Attachment 5, Forced Labor of Ethnic Uyghurs Ban 10 BID OPENING: Offers shall be opened online on the date and time, as indicated through APP. Following the opening, interested parties may contact the Procurement Officer to request a copy of the bid record of opening. After Contract award, the bids and evaluation documents shall be open for public inspection. 11 REJECTION OF OFFERS: The Department, at its discretion, may reject any and/or all Offers. 12 AWARD: It is the intention of the Department to award a single Contract for all of the proposed services. 13 TERM OF CONTRACT: The term of any resultant Contract shall commence on the date of award or as specified in the award document(s) and shall continue for a period of twelve (12) months, unless renewed, terminated or canceled, as otherwise provided herein. 14 CONTRACT RENEWAL: By mutual written agreement, any resultant Contract may be renewed by four (4) supplemental periods of up to twelve (12) months each for a total contract term of sixty (60) months.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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