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Published September 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Boston, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 187,000-square-foot residential development.

Civic / Cultural Space at 131 Beverly Street at Lovejoy Wharf. Related Lovejoy Residential, LLC (an affiliate of Related Beal) (Owner), in conjunction with the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) is pleased to release this Request for Letters of Interest (RFI) from qualified civic and cultural users to occupy and program interior space located at 131 Beverly Street at Lovejoy Wharf. This RFI is not a formal procurement process to select a user for the Civic/Cultural Space; it is an informal solicitation to gauge interest from qualified users. Responses to this RFI shall assist the BPDA, MOAC, MassDEP, and Owner in identifying qualified users for the Civic/Cultural Space. Responding to this RFI is entirely voluntary. All responses to this RFI will be public record under the Commonwealth's Public Records Law, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 66 s. 10, regardless of confidentiality notices set forth in such responses to the contrary. However, the Owner, the BPDA, MOAC, and MassDEP reserve the right to select an applicant at any time during the selection process. The City of Boston's long-standing planning objectives for the North Station Economic Development Area include a broad mix of uses tied together with an inviting pedestrian scale, including continuous public access along the waterfront on the Harborwalk system. Composed of half of the Lovejoy Wharf site, the 155-foot-tall 131 Beverly Street includes approximately 157 residential units and ground-level retail/restaurant space, including Row House, a boutique rowing fitness studio, and Alcove, a Mediterranean-inspired restaurant along Lovejoy Wharf. The other half of Lovejoy Wharf is 160 North Washington Street, home to Converse, Inc.'s headquarters. This half features ground-floor retail, including a Converse flagship location, where the public is invited to customize their own Chuck Taylors, and Night Shift Brewing. As a whole, Lovejoy Wharf not only provides pedestrian connections from both Causeway and North Washington Streets to the waterfront, but also links the Harborwalk from the Inner Harbor to the planned South Bank Bridge, features public docking facilities, a multi-level public pavilion with a grand staircase, and activates the entire landside block.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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131 Beverly St, Boston, MA

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