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Published November 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Jackson, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Provision of SMD_MATERIALS_STRUCTRUAL GLASS Contract Term: Two (2) Years with Three (3) Automatic One-Year Renewal Options Bidding: . In the event that NYCHA receives one response or no responses to an RFQ on or before the Bid submission deadline, the bid close date and time shall be extended for an additional one (1) week. .The quantities provided are estimates based on current usage and the New York City Housing Authority may order less or more depending on our needs. All price adjustable RFQ'S are fixed for one year after award date. Awarded vendors are entitled to one price increase per year that is includes with manufacture supporting documentation justifying the requested line-item price increase. .Proposed Bid Pricing must INCLUDED shipping charges and all related logistic costs for all line items. NYCHA additionally recommends that Proposers e-mail questions in advance of the Proposers' Conference to NYCHA's Coordinator by no later than 11:00 A.M. on November 08, 2022. Questions submitted in writing must include the firm name and the name, title, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the individual to whom responses to the Proposer's questions should be given. Proposers will be permitted to ask additional questions at the Proposers' Conference. All questions and answers will be provided to all firms that received a copy of this RFQ. DROP SHIP ACROSS THE FIVE BOROUGHS: INCLUDES ALL DEVELOPMENTS, WAREHOUSES, AND STOREROOMS Please note: NYCHA reserves the right to make award by line or by class as indicated. Samples: Samples may be required for submission within 10 days of request by NYCHA. Failure to comply may result in a bid being deemed non-responsive. Alternates/Equals: NYCHA accepts equal items for review and consideration prior to approval. . ARO: . The Awarded bidder/vendor agrees to have structural glass readily available for delivery within 15 days after receipt of order on an "as needed basis" during the duration of the contract period. NYCHA MWBE Program . All NYCHA vendors are required to participate in the Authority's MWBE, if a vendor is unable to meet the MBE and WBE goals set forth in the solicitation bidder/proposer/consultant/contractor must submit a request for waiver. Failure to complete the utilization plan or waiver form will deem your bid non-responsive. . If applying for a MWBE Utilization Plan Waiver all vendors must submit the MWBE Utilization Waiver Form to the identified NYCHA buyer seven (7) days before the bid close date. . Vendors are required to complete and submit at least ONE of the following by the corresponding due date, these documents are attached to this RFQ: o MWBE Utilization Plan - At Time of Bid, or o Waiver of MWBE Utilization Plan - At least Seven Days (7) prior to bid date



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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