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Published November 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Asheville, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Asheville, NC is requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide goods and services at the Western North Carolina Nature Center, 75 Gashes Creek Rd, Asheville NC, 28805. The Western North Carolina Nature Center in Asheville NC is in need of routine cleaning services for several of its public facilities. Annually, we welcome an average of 175,000 guests and number of guests vary by season. All work must occur outside of the Nature Center's hours of operation between the hours of 6:00 am - 10:00 am so as to limit disturbance of guests and programs. Currently, our maintenance and exhibits department handles all of the facility cleaning duties at the Center and this effort takes away from their ability to make necessary repairs and upgrades throughout our operation. We seek to outsource these duties and hope to forge a multi-year partnership. The areas that need routine cleaning on a 3-time per week basis are - Main (Education) building bathrooms and office spaces 2,400 sq ft total Bathroom cleaning and supply stocking (7 total fixtures/5 total sinks) Vacuuming of office/guest space carpeting Window washing Dusting and cobweb removal Classroom floor sweeping/mopping Trash removal - Appalachian Station Exhibit Building 1,200 sq ft total Bathroom cleaning and supply stocking (4 total fixtures and 4 total sinks) Vacuuming of guest space carpeting Window washing Dusting and cobweb removal - Main Barn Visitor Restrooms 250 sq ft total Bathroom cleaning and supply stocking (7 total fixtures/5 total sinks) Dusting and cobweb removal Trash removal - Admissions and Gift Shop Office Building 450 sq ft total Staff Bathroom cleaning and supply stocking (1 fixture and 1 sink) Window washing Dusting and cobweb removal Office floor sweeping/mopping Trash removal Deadline to Submit Questions Friday, December 2nd, 2022 5:00 pm Asheville Business Inclusion Policy: The City of Asheville has adopted the Asheville Business Inclusion Policy to encourage women and minority businesses' participation in the public bidding process. The purpose of this outreach effort is to increase the likelihood of availability and utilization of MWBEs in the award of contracts. Bidders are hereby notified that this RFP is subject to that Policy's provisions. Questions regarding the Asheville Business Inclusion Policy may be directed , Office of Economic Development, City of Asheville, Post Office Box 7148, Asheville, NC 28802-7148 or by phone at (828) 259-8050 or by email abi@ashevillenc.gov. Bidders are invited to show proof of MWBE status, to include NC Office of Historically Underutilized Businesses or other MWBE certifications. If not already certified with the ABI Office at the City of Asheville, bidders are further invited to become certified with the City of Asheville as an MWBE vendor. It is the Policy of the City to (1) provide minorities and women an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of its contracting and procurement programs and (2) to prohibit any and all discrimination against persons or businesses in pursuit of these opportunities. Certification of a Drug-Free workplace: Prospective Contractors are notified that the City of Asheville has adopted a Drug-Free Workplace Policy requiring successful contractors to insure that a drug-free workplace is provided in the performance of any City of Asheville contract. By submitting a proposal, the Prospective Contractor certifies that if awarded the Contract, they and their subcontractors shall comply with the City's Drug-Free Workplace Policy. Miscellaneous Requirements of the Proposal: Prospective Contractors are notified of a City policy that prohibits contracting with persons or firms who are delinquent in the payment of ad valorem taxes owed to the City of Asheville.


Amusement and Recreation

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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75 Gashes Creek Rd, Asheville, NC

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