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Published November 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Albany, New York. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
1. This is a Sources Sought Notice (a) The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this Sources Sought or to otherwise pay for the information solicited. (b) Although "proposal," "offeror," contractor, and "offeror" may be used in this sources sought notice, any response will be treated as information only. It shall not be used as a proposal. The Government is seeking information for market research purposes only. (c) Any information received from a contractor in response to this Sources Sought may be used in creating a solicitation. Any information received which is marked with a statement, such as "proprietary" or "confidential," intended to restrict distribution will not be distributed outside of the Government, except as required by law. (d) This Sources Sought is issued by VISN 2 Contracting Office in Bronx, Ny for the purpose of collecting information about Tree Maintenance at New Jersey VA Healthcare System, East Orange Campus, and Lyons Campus. The VA is seeking to provide for this requirement as of 1/1/2023 to replace an expiring contract. The NAICS code identified for this requirement is < 561730 - Landscaping Services. The requirement is detailed in the Statement of Work section of this document. (e) Cursory market research has identified small businesses that may be able to provide for this requirement. Contractors that are able to meet the requirements in the attachment and possess an interest in performing these service, are encouraged to email a capability statement and full information to Natalie Acevedo at on November 14, 2022 at 10:00 AM ET. - Part of the purpose of this sources sought is to determine the viability of set aside to a specific socio-economic category(service-disabled veteran owned small business, veteran owned small business, women owned small business, HUB Zone, 8(a), small business). Interested parties MUST provide company/individual name, a capability statement, examples of same or similar work performed at other facilities, DUNS number and address, point of contact and socialeconomic. If contractor is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), a VeteranOwned Small Business (VOSB), or any other special category of contractors, then contractor is responsible for providing documentation in support of this. This information will be used to determine the viability of a set aside for this requirement. If any of the requested information is not supplied with the response, this may result in the contractor not being considered in the Government's Procurement Strategy. The following information is required for determining procurement strategy and viability of sources: Set aside requirements have limitations on subcontracting. This service is located in New Jersey. Provide your site location and supporting documentation. Given your location and proximity to the service site, how do you plan to accomplish selfperformance of this work If your intention is to subcontract work, what tasks will be performed by you as the prime contractor What tasks will require a subcontractor due to your inability to perform them within your company How many years' experience does your company have in performing tasks of this nature, of this scope and this complexity How many years of service do your proposed technicians have performing tasks of this nature, this scope, and this complexity How many years does your proposed subcontractor have in performing tasks of this nature, this scope, and this complexity How many jobs of this of this nature, of this scope and this complexity have you performed in the past five years How many certified/licensed technicians does your company currently employ Provide copy of: New Jersey Board of Tree Experts Registration At least one Licensed Tree Care Operator or Licensed Tree Expert. - Contractors shall also identify any Federal Supply Schedules that may carry the desired services. - Contractors shall identify pertinent point of contact for company, contractor DUNS number for size standard and socioeconomic verification in SAM and VIP, as well as for any intended subcontractors. - Contractor shall provide 2 to 3 instances of past experience which demonstrate that they are a firm regularly engaged in this type of work, to include subcontractors for those jobs. - Contractor shall provide a listing of any teaming agreements they intend to employ in the performance of this requirement if awarded. - Contractor shall supply proof of any applicable certification or training required to meet the regulatory requirements, if applicable. - Contractors shall include any relevant comments about the Attachment(s) if applicable. Below is the Limitation on Subcontracting - Certificate of Compliance Clause. Please complete this as part of your response. 852.219-77 VA Notice of Limitations on Subcontracting--Certificate of Compliance for Services and Construction. As prescribed in 819.7009(c) insert the following clause: VA NOTICE OF LIMITATIONS ON SUBCONTRACTING--CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION (SEP 2021) (DEVIATION) (a) Pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 8127(k)(2), the offeror certifies that-- (1) If awarded a contract (see FAR 2.101 definition), it will comply with the limitations on subcontracting requirement as provided in the solicitation and the resultant contract, as follows: [Contracting Officer check the appropriate box below based on the predominant NAICS code assigned to the instant acquisition as set forth in FAR 19.102.] (i) [ ] Services. In the case of a contract for services (except construction), the contractor will not pay more than 50% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs as set forth in 852.219-10 or VOSBs as set forth in 852.219-11. Any work that a similarly situated VIP-listed subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 50% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Other direct costs may be excluded to the extent they are not the principal purpose of the acquisition and small business concerns do not provide the service as set forth in 13 CFR 125.6. (ii) [ ] General construction. In the case of a contract for general construction, the contractor will not pay more than 85% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs as set forth in 852.219-10 or VOSBs as set forth in 852.219-11. Any work that a similarly situated VIP-listed subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 85% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Cost of materials are excluded and not considered to be subcontracted. (iii) Special trade construction contractors. In the case of a contract for special trade contractors, the contractor will not pay more than 75% of the amount paid by the government to it to firms that are not VIP-listed SDVOSBs as set forth in 852.219-10 or VOSBs as set forth in 852.219-11. Any work that a similarly situated subcontractor further subcontracts will count towards the 75% subcontract amount that cannot be exceeded. Cost of materials are excluded and not considered to be subcontracted. (2) The offeror acknowledges that this certification concerns a matter within the jurisdiction of an Agency of the United States. The offeror further acknowledges that this certification is subject to Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001, and, as such, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent certification may render the offeror subject to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties, including prosecution. (3) If VA determines that an SDVOSB/VOSB awarded a contract pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 8127 did not act in good faith, such SDVOSB/VOSB shall be subject to any or all of the following: (i) Referral to the VA Suspension and Debarment Committee; (ii) A fine under section 16(g)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 645(g)(1)); and (iii) Prosecution for violating section 1001 of title 18. (b) The offeror represents and understands that by submission of its offer and award of a contract it may be required to provide copies of documents or records to VA that VA may review to determine whether the offeror complied with the limitations on subcontracting requirement specified in the contract. The Contracting Officer may, at their discretion, require the Contractor to demonstrate its compliance with the limitations on subcontracting at any time during performance and upon completion of a contract if the information regarding such compliance is not already available to the Contracting Officer. Evidence of compliance includes, but is not limited to, invoices, copies of subcontracts, or a list of the value of tasks performed. (c) The offeror further agrees to cooperate fully and make available any documents or records as may be required to enable VA to determine compliance with the limitations on subcontracting requirement. The offeror understands that failure to provide documents as requested by VA may result in remedial action as the Government deems appropriate. (d) Offeror completed certification/fill-in required. The formal certification must be completed, signed, and returned with the offeror's bid, quotation, or proposal. The Government will not consider offers for award from offerors that do not provide the certification, and all such responses will be deemed ineligible for evaluation and award. Certification: I hereby certify that if awarded the contract, [insert name of offeror] will comply with the limitations on subcontracting specified in this clause and in the resultant contract. I further certify that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of [insert name of offeror]. Printed Name of Signee: _________________________________ Printed Title of Signee: ________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________________ Company Name and Address: _______________________________ _________________________________________________________ (End of clause) STATEMENT OF WORK Tree Maintenance for Lyons and East Orange 1. BACKGROUND: The Department of Veterans Affairs, New Jersey Health Care System (VANJHCS) is seeking an annual service contract with 4 option years to provide tree maintenance for its East Orange and Lyons Campuses. The type of maintenance, care and housekeeping is designed to promote clean and neat appearance throughout the campus. 2. SCOPE OF WORK: The contractor shall Provide all labor, equipment, supervision, tools, and all materials necessary to provide to provide year-round tree maintenance services of both campuses. 3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Provide all labor, equipment, supervision, tools, and all materials necessary to provide tree maintenance services to include trimming and thinning services including removal of dead trees and stump grinding on grounds A) A facility site plan indicating work areas shall be provided by the COR after award. B) All work shall be performed during the hours of 7:30 AM and 3:30 PM, Monday thru Friday excluding Federal Holidays (defined as: New Year's Day, Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day) during the last full week of the month. C) All work performed shall be done in accordance with ANSI Z133 2017 The American National Standard for Arboricultural Operations - Safety Requirements and ANSI A300 Standards - Tree Care Industry Association. D) Upon arrival to perform any tree services, the Contractor shall report to the grounds supervisor in the grounds garage. E) Upon completion of tasks described herein, the contractor shall provide a copy of service report to the COR. Service reports shall be signed by both the contractor and COR at completion of work. An electronic version of same shall be sent to the COR. Service reports shall include tasks completed to include areas worked on, number of workers involved, and hours worked. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS A) The contractor shall be registered with the New Jersey Board of Tree Experts and employ one Licensed Tree Care Operator or Licensed Tree Expert. Proof of registration and licensing shall be provided to the COR before work can commence B) Tree Care Operator Licenses shall be provided to the COR or approval before an individual can be considered acceptable to meet this requirement. CONTRACTOR VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT A) All vehicles used directly for tree maintenance services shall possess NJTC# issued by the Board of Tree Experts and be properly registered with the State Department of Motor Vehicles. B) All operators of all vehicles used directly for tree maintenance services shall possess a current New Jersey Commercial Driver's License (CDL). The Contractor shall submit copies of CDL licenses for individuals operating vehicles possessing NJTC#s to the COR for approval before they are allowed to operate the vehicle on VA property. C) Contractors' vehicles shall be routed through major thoroughfares whenever possible and shall not be routed through residential areas immediately adjacent to the East Orange Campus. D) Equipment used to perform service shall be kept secure from all patients and visitors at all times to include saws, pole saws, pruning equipment, and fuel cans. SCHEDULED SERVICES A) Small Trees up to 5" Caliper or up to 12'in height shall be spot pruned once per season in the spring employing the standards of stated in ANSI A300 Standards - Tree Care Industry Association to remove dead or damaged branches and to develop the natural form of the plant and its intent in the landscape. B) All wooden debris from tree maintenance services shall be removed off the grounds for proper disposal at the end of each workday. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for compliance with all Federal, State, and Municipal Laws, rules, and regulations governing the handling, transportation, and disposal of vegetative waste. Before commencing work the Contractor shall furnish copies of all required licenses and permits. In addition, evidence shall be submitted that all receiving sites possess the required permits and licenses to accept waste from the Contractor. C) The Contractor shall be responsible for all cleanup due to performance of this contract. The Contractor shall be accountable for all cleanup costs and restoration costs required due to damage of VA property through neglect or accident as a result of contractor employee actions. UNSCHEDULED SERVICES A) The contractor shall be available upon request of the COR to provide unscheduled tree maintenance services to include: 1. Removal of dead or dying trees 2. Removal of dead or dying branches, or branches that present a hazard to buildings and personnel 3. Stump removal or grinding (include adding soil, grade, and seed stump location) 4. Removal or trimming of trees felled or damaged by storms SECURITY The C&A requirements do not apply, and that a Security Accreditation Package is not required: The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
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Service, Maintenance and Supply
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