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Published February 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in Freeport, Illinois. Design plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

Job No. V-92-003-23, US 20 and US 20 Bypass Bridge Bundle, Total Replacement and Bridge Rehabilitation, Phase I and II, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties, Region Two/District Two. This project requires 23% DBE participation, or if the contract goal is not met, documented evidence of good faith efforts. The Complexity Factor for this project is 0 The Consultant who is selected for this project and all Subconsultants the Prime Consultant will be using are scheduled to attend an initial meeting on February 1, 2023, at 1:30 PM at the Region Two/District Two Office in Dixon. Phase I and II engineering services are required for preparation of multiple Phase I design reports (anticipated to be categorical exclusions) and the preparation of contract plans for four (4) structures. The first project is for the removal and replacement of a bridge that carries US 20 over Yellow Creek, 1.5 Mi. W. of IL 73. The second project is for the removal and replacement of a culvert that carries US 20 over the tributary to Sumner Creek, 0.6 Mi. W. of the Winnebago Co. Line. The third project is for the removal and replacement of the bridge that carries US 20 over Kent Creek, 0.1 Mi. W. of Kilburn Ave in Rockford. The fourth project is for the bridge rehabilitation of the structure that carries US 20 Bypass under Montague Rd, 1.5 Mi. E. of Meridian Rd in Rockford. The department will complete the bridge borings for the structures, but SGRs will be completed by the Consultant. The preparation of the Bridge Condition Reports (BCR) will be required for each of the structures. Phase I may include the preparation of multiple Project Reports, Traffic Management Analysis (TMA), review and or preparing of the BCR, hydraulic studies and reports, crash analysis, pedestrian & bicycle accommodation analysis, geometric studies, typical sections, plan & profile, Type, Size and Location (TSL) drawings, cost estimates, pavement design, cross sections, development of construction limits, geotechnical engineering services, SGRs, environmental coordination, PESA, and Bi-Monthly Coordination meeting and exhibits including identification of design exceptions. Coordination with the public, local agencies and railroad is anticipated with this project. Phase II may include the preparation of detailed contract plans and all associated material, TSL drawings, structure plans, roadway plan and profiles, typical sections, drainage plans, erosion control plans, cross sections, special details, guardrail design, barrier warrant analysis, special provisions; quantities, cost estimates, estimate of time, Traffic Management Plans (TMP) including Queue and Delay Analysis, Maintenance of Traffic (MOT), detour plans, preparing PESA Response submittals, the preparation of SGRs and all other incidental work required to complete the project. The estimated construction cost for this project is $5,570,000. The completion date for this contract will be 48 months after authorized to proceed. The Phase I portion is expected to be completed in 24 months and the Phase II portion Is expected to be completed in 24 months. A planned Supplement for Phase II will be done near the completion of Phase I. The Prime firm must be prequalified in the following categories to be considered for this project. Highways (Roads and Streets) Location Design Studies (Rehabilitation) Statements of Interest, including resumes of only the key people noted above, must be submitted electronically to the Central Bureau of Design and Environment through the Engineering Prequalification and Agreement System (EPAS). Questions concerning this Bulletin should be directed to: E-mail: DOT.ConsultantServices@illinois.gov Or mailing address: Bureau of Design and Environment 2300 South Dirksen Parkway Attn: Consultant Unit Room 330 Springfield, IL 62764 The following are the questions that were asked during the WebEx on Friday, October 28, 2022 @ 9:30 AM for IDOT SOI Changes. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. IDOT - 021 - RFQ Engineering - US 20 and US 20 Bypass Bridge Bundle, Total Replacement and Bridge Rehabilitation, Phase I and II


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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December 1, 2023


US-20, Freeport, IL

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RFQ Engineering - US 20 and US 20 Bypass Bridge Bundle, Total Replacement and Bridge Rehabilitation, Phase I and II

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