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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Coolin, Idaho. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Coolin Sewer District is seeking statements of qualifications from qualified engineering firms to provide District engineering services including engineering, surveying, facility and improvement planning, public works contract administration, testing, and inspections. The selected Engineer will also assist with grant application, administration, and compliance Consultants may also include an optional CD, thumb drive, or a link to a file containing a PDF of the submittal. The Coolin Sewer District reserves the right to reject submittals, to waive informalities and irregularities in the submitting process, and to negotiate terms with the Selected Engineer. QUESTIONS Questions regarding this Request for Qualifications should be addressed to: Jordan Brooks 13837 N. East River Road Coolin, ID 83821 Phone: 208-290-3318 coolinsewer@gmail.com SCOPE OF SERVICES Services will include engineering, surveying, facility and improvement planning, design, public works contract administration, testing, and inspections. The selected Engineer will also assist with grant application, administration, and compliance. Services include full planning, design, and construction administration services for projects. The anticipated projects include sewer system modifications, sewer treatment plant upgrades, and irrigation system upgrades. Anticipated construction projects in the $1,000,000 to $3,000,000 range are expected. Project-specific services outside this scope may be negotiated separately. The Consultant will be responsible for Cost Estimates, Grant Writing, Schematic Design, Design Development, Permitting, Construction Documents, Bidding Assistance, Construction Observation, and Testing. The Consultant may be required to make presentations to the Board in public meetings. The Consultant may be required to meet monthly with the Board of the Coolin Sewer District for the purpose of providing a verbal report regarding the previous month's progress. Such monthly meetings will show funds expended in the completion of the project and specific accomplishments related to the completion of the project. Projects related to this RFQ may be funded by state and/or federal funds. The Coolin Sewer District and Engineer will administer all projects according to the terms and conditions of the award, as well as state and federal law. DURATION: The District intends to enter a contract with a five (5) year term and an option to extend that term one additional year. QUALIFICATIONS Qualification Statements should include the following information: ""c Basic information such as firm size, history, experience, and expertise as it relates to municipal sewer design and construction. Proof of current applicable licensure to practice engineering in the State of Idaho. ""c The names and qualifications of persons in your firm and sub-consultants assigned to key positions in the execution of this work, including resumes of said persons and physical office location. ""c The name, qualifications, and licenses of the proposed Service Team, including resumes for the key people who will be assigned to the projects including sub-consultants. Key personnel roles and responsibilities on projects. Identify Project Manager responsible for day-to-day management and primary point of contact. ""c Experience and qualifications in preparing and administrating public works contract documents and construction projects. ""c Proposed approach to provision of services. ""c At least four client references, including name, address, and phone number from current or recent services like those identified herein, or projects completed within the last three years ""c Certification that if selected, Engineer will comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations EVALUATION The Coolin Sewer District Board will evaluate Engineers that timely submit a Statement of Qualifications. The Sewer District Board members will review and select an Engineer pursuant to the following evaluation criteria. ""c Capability to Perform Services (10-25 pts.) Relevant Experience (10-25 pts.) Qualifications of Service Team (10-25 pts. Proposed Project Approach (10-25 pts.) Total Written Proposal Points Possible = 100 AWARD AND CONTRACT NEGOTIATION Upon selection, the District will negotiate contract terms with the selected Engineer. Final award will be contingent upon the successful contract negotiation. The contents of the Statement of Qualifications submittal may be used in the agreement. Candidates should be aware that methods and procedures proposed could become contractual obligations. The successful Consultant will be required to sign an agreement including the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction or the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee standard terms, including a requirement to carry and maintain a minimum of $1,000,000 professional liability insurance coverage, except in special circumstances (not applicable to testing services). The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 12, 2023


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