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Published January 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Marquette, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Question Deadline 12/13/2022 at 12:00 PM ET Please do not submit online questions via VSS. ALL questions should be emailed to Jeff Barsch at barschj@michigan.gov. The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) is requesting Phase 100 Engineering Services to evaluate the existing facility wide 2400v Primary Electrical Infrastructure and generate a Phase 100 report that provides recommendations on how to update the system to current code requirements. The existing primary loop has been having failures and has old, outdated equipment that is in need to replacement. Part of the project will require coordination with the Marquette Board of Light and Power on their proposed upgrades and how they impact the facility. The study shall include mapping of the routing of the existing primary electrical on the facility grounds. A reimbursable for underground locating and ground penetrating radar has been included to locate and map the existing underground raceways and utilities. The report will include recommendations on locations where the existing electrical should be abandoned in place and new raceway proposed locations as well as locations where raceways and / or electrical could be reused. The overhead powerline in TD is desired to be converted to underground and this will be reviewed and confirmed if this is practical. The Professional Services Contractor (PSC) shall also review the five (5) block buildings containing transformers and propose new pad mounting locations as well as new disconnect locations to assist facility with maintenance and accessibility. The Phase 100 Report will need to establish an upgraded phasing plan which will minimize downtime and create redundant loops for the facility. The report will also need to review the disconnects on the distribution side to determine their suitability for reuse. ARC flash mitigation at the conclusion of the upgrade project will need to be considered in the report as well. Hazardous Material testing and abatement needed will be a part of the report so proper removal and disposal requirements can be accounted for in the proposed upgrade project to meet National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NeSHAP) and other hazardous material requirements. Provide a complete PSC Proposal (Technical and Cost) for all required Professional Architectural and Engineering Services in compliance with the State of Michigan, Department of Technology, Management (DTMB) Project Statement (Form DTMB -0427), The DTMB Billable Rate Professional Services Contract, the DTMB Request for Proposal (RFP) Billable Rate (Form DTMB - 0430), and the DTMB State Facilities Administration (SFA), Design and Construction (DCD) policies and procedures for the development of a Phase 100 Study. Itemize all reimbursable expenses in the PSC proposal as Phase 100 Reimbursable line items) 1. List and include all field services, travel expenses, permitting, and testing required for the proper design of this phase of the project. 2. Site Survey Allowance $8,000 3. Locating and GPR Allowance $5,000 4. Hazardous Material Testing and Removal Requirements for Study $5,000 a. Hazardous Materials Report will be provided to the selected PSC for review 5. PSC shall detail any recommended reimbursables not specifically listed below they deem needed to successfully complete this phase of the project. This project will comply with all codes, standards, regulations, and workers safety rules that are administered by federal agencies (EPA, OSHA, and DOT), state agencies (DHHS, EGLE, DNR, and MIOSHA), and any other local regulations and standards that may apply.




Public - State/Provincial


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December 22, 2022

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1960 US Hwy 41, Marquette, MI

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