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Published January 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a detention facility in Racine, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

Racine County is accepting sealed bids for provide Racine County Buildings and Facilities Management with Elevator Modernization. The project consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and completing all the work necessary to modernize the Law Enforcement Center electric passenger elevators #1-2. RACINE COUNTY through its duly authorized representatives, reserves the right to reject any or all proposals /bids, waive all technicalities, and choose the offer deemed most advantageous to Racine County. All bidders by submitting their proposal/bid agree to abide by the rules, regulations and decisions of Racine County. General questions regarding the bid should be directed to Duane McKinney at (262) 636-3700 or via email at Duane.McKinney@racinecounty.com. Technical questions should be submitted via email to Andrew Kallenbach, Deputy Superintendent of Facilities Management, at Andrew.Kallenbach@racinecounty.com. Deadline for Vendor Questions: Friday, December 2, 2022 This Section is intended to cover the modernization of two (2) existing simplex Dover electric passenger elevators at the Racine County Law Enforcement Center, 717 Wisconsin Ave, Racine, WI, elevators #1-2, State Reg. No. 17121 and 20150. This Section indicates the extent of the elevator renovations. B. Work shall include all work and material specified for a complete and first-class installation in every respect, and once started is to proceed without interruption during regular working hours until complete. C. Where a device or part of the equipment is referred to in the singular number, it is intended that such reference shall apply to all devices for both elevators, unless otherwise indicated. D. Unless specifically identified as "Retain" or "Reuse" in Part 2, provide new equipment. Equipment that is "Retained" or "Reused" shall be reconditioned or renewed to place into satisfactory condition for reuse. Any components not specifically replaced (retained components) shall be cleaned, adjusted, lubricated, refurbished, recalibrated, painted, all fasteners tightened, tested, and warrantied. E. Where "Bidder" or "Contractor" is identified, it shall refer to the Elevator Contractor. Where Contractor is directed to "Provide" devices or equipment, such devices or equipment shall be furnished and installed as work under this Section. F. Contractor shall provide all labor, elevator equipment, material, transportation, tools and equipment, temporary protection, lubricants and cleaning supplies, employee safety equipment, supervision, coordination, and other work or items required to perform work under this Section, whether or not expressly stated. G. Contractor shall be solely responsible for complete compliance with contract documents, omissions, environmental regulations (other than asbestos), for verifying all dimensions, existing conditions, calculations, and voltages found in this Specification or on the drawings which are provided for the convenience of bidders, and at the job site, and for coordination of work of other trades. Note that the drawings represent the existing equipment only. See Part 2 for changes. H. Any items omitted from this scope of work which are reasonably necessary for completion of the elevator modernization shall be considered to be a part of this specification, although not directly referenced. I. Failure to visit site or failure to examine any and all documents will in no way relieve successful Bidder from the necessity of furnishing any materials or equipment, or performing any work that may be required. Neglect of above requirements will not be grounds for delay in work or additional compensation. J. All applicable permit and inspection fees, and licenses are to be included by Contractor in their bid price. Racine County is sales and use tax exempt.


Jails / Prisons


Public - County





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717 Wisconsin Ave, Racine, WI

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