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Site work for a water / sewer project in Louisville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Currens Construction was awarded this project. Louisville Water Company is requesting proposals for Potable Water Tank Miscellaneous Modifications and Repairs of elevated or ground-supported steel, or composite-material water storage tanks, or other storage tank accessories. Contractor shall have AWS certified welder(s) on staff. Contractor shall have experience fabricating, installing, and repairing typical potable water tank accessories (e.g. ladders, manways, piping / valving, etc,.), emergency repairs (e.g. leaks), and coatings repair. Contractor shall have experience or supervisory experience with typical potable water tank electrical accessories (e.g. lighting, obstruction lighting, cathodic protection, mixing systems, etc.). This is NOT a tank recoating/painting scope. Questions Due Date: Nov 30th 2022, 5:00 PM EST Award of the Contract (Master Agreement) may be to multiple Proposers. The Company will award the Contract to the Proposer(s) presenting a Proposal that is responsive to the Requirements, is in substantial compliance with the Contract requirements. The Company may accept the Proposal that the Company determines is in the Company's best interest, which may not necessarily be the least expensive Proposal or highest point total Proposal. The Proposal shall be awarded on a total, line item or category basis at the sole discretion of the Company. The Company reserves the right to disqualify Proposals deemed to be defective and/or nonresponsive; the right to waive defects in Proposals where the Company determines that such defects are immaterial; and the right to reject Proposals deemed untimely, not submitted through the designated web portal for this bid or received from Proposers or sub-Proposers not prequalified with the Company if prequalification is required. Company Local Preference Program applies to this bid and resultant bid award. The Company follows the Kentucky Bid Law and has not adopted the Kentucky Model Procurement Code. The following entities may also purchase from this Bid: Louisville/Jefferson County Metropolitan Government; Metropolitan Sewer District, Regional Airport Authority, University of Louisville; Jefferson County Public Schools a/k/a Jefferson County Board of Education; and the Transit Authority of River City a/k/a TARC. Some of these entities have adopted the Model Procurement Code. The Proposer will be required to meet any applicable prequalification requirements of each entity. Proposer will be required to enter into a separate agreement with each entity for any purchases by the other entities from this Bid. The areas of work required will be variable and based upon the requirements of the company for the individual assignments. Some work may require a Quick (within 24 hours) Response Time. The following may be included in the proposed work: o Tank Leak Repair o Tank Pit Welding Repair o Tank Coating Repair (small areas, interior or exterior) o Tank Accessory Design, Fabrication, Removal, Installation, Repair, and/or Modification (e.g. ladders, manways, piping/valving, obstruction lighting, cathodic protection, mixing systems, vents, screens, minor electrical, etc.) o Graffiti Removal o Project Management and Administrative Assistance Potable water tank disinfection should follow AWWA Standard C652, Method 2. Potable Water Tank Inspection should follow current American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards, manuals, and best practices.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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