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Published November 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Louisa, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Invitation for Bids (IFB) is to establish a contract for the sale of surplus personal property consisting of used information technology equipment and related items ("items") in accordance with the requirements herein. The disposal of the County of Louisa's (the County) e-waste is normally conducted once annually through the issuance of solicitation. II. STATEMENT OF NEEDS/ SCOPE OF SERVICES: Services requirements are not limited to: 1. Sale of the County's surplus technology equipment to include (but not limited to) the following categories: a. Desktop computers b. Laptop computers c. Multi-function printers d. Copiers e. Monitors f. Wireless access points g. Printers h. Routers i. Switches j. Tablets k. Servers l. Circuit boards m. Uninterrupted Power Source (UPS) n. Televisions o. Hard drives p. Projectors q. Peripherals (mouse, keyboard, batteries, cords, disk drive, surge protector, etc.) 2. Provide all services to dispose of the equipment, including but not limited to, complete elimination of software and data on hard drives and equipment memory. 3. Assist in obtaining the best value return in compensation for the surplus property. 4. Provide all containers, labor, and equipment to remove various surplus technology equipment in a safe, cost-effective, and environmentally sound manner. 5. Agree that there is no guarantee of the quality or quantity of the products or the number of pick-ups that will be required. 6. Collect, package, load, remove trash, and transport the surplus property. 7. Follow all required security measures in the transport, storage, and disposal of surplus property. 8. Use environmentally friendly methods of disposal. Any equipment that cannot be donated or resold should be disposed of legally and responsibly with an emphasis towards zero waste, so that the amount of equipment or components sent to incinerators or landfills is minimized while recycling is maximized. 9. Provide the County with reporting to include, but not limited to, asset numbers, serial numbers, destruction certificates, and verified weights of all pick-ups. The Bidder must submit a bid, which demonstrates and provides evidence that the Bidder has the capabilities, professional expertise, and experience to provide the necessary services as described in this IFB. The Bidder shall ensure that all information required herein is submitted with the bid. All information provided should be verifiable by documentation requested by the County of Louisa. Failure to provide all information, inaccuracy or misstatement may be sufficient cause for rejection of the bid or rescission of an award. 3. Bids shall be signed by the authorized representative of the Bidder. 4. Bids should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise, detailed description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the IFB. 5. All expenses for making Bids to the County shall be incurred by the Bidder. 6. Bidder must be authorized to transact business in Virginia as a domestic or foreign business entity as required by the State Corporation Commission, if such is required by law. Such status shall be maintained during the term of a contract. A contract entered into by a business in violation of the requirements is voidable at the option of the public body. B. BID SUBMISSION: The following documents must be received in our office via hard copy no later than the closing date and time stated below: 1. Signed original of the completed Invitation for Bid Title Page 2. Signed Appendix A "County of Louisa, Virginia Standard Terms and Conditions." 3. Completed Appendix B "Bid Price Sheet." 4. A list of client references of similar service contracts, including at least three (3) customers. These references must include name, address, and telephone number. 5. A copy of any applicable Federal, State, or Local license required to legally perform the service, or sell the goods specified in the IFB shall be attached to the bid. 6. A certificate of insurance for all required coverages endorsing the County of Louisa to the insurance policy as an additional insured. 7. Bidders are reminded that changes to the IFB, in the form of addenda, are often issued between the issue date and within 10 days of the due date of the solicitation. All addenda must be acknowledged on the IFB Title Page. Notice of addenda will be posted.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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