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Published November 29, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Detroit, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

BN requires all program homes to be renovated to meet BN Construction Quality Standards ("Construction Standards") and any home-specific Standard Modifications. A mandatory pre-bid walk is held to provide a clear and concise overview of the program's expectations as described in the Construction Standards and Standard Modifications provided within this RFP. The City of Detroit Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) requests proposals from pre-qualified contractors to repair home on behalf of the Bridging Neighborhoods Program (BNP) on a house-by-house basis. Deadline for Questions (EST) (No Questions entertained past the deadline) 11/23/22 12:00 PM. This solicitation is for a BNP Rehab Property at 14010 Pinewood. During the period between posting of this solicitation and final award notification, a bidder must not communicate, directly or indirectly, with the City of Detroit Department(s) for whom the solicitation is posted for, or its employees, agents, contractors, or officials regarding any aspect of this procurement activity, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Chief Procurement Officer. All communication concerning this solicitation shall be with the Bid Contact(s) listed for this solicitation and shall be through the Oracle Cloud message portal only. No phone calls shall be accepted. Failure to adhere to these restrictions may result in disqualification of your offer, suspension or debarment, and may constitute a violation of law. 2 woodward avenue ste 1100 detroit, mi 48226. Bids must be uploaded into the Supplier Portal on or prior to the exact date and time indicated. Late or emailed bids will not be accepted. The firm awarded this contract will be expected to provide all of the requested services outlined in the attached RFP specification sheet:Exhibit A - Scope of Work. Equalization credits will be applied as outlined in the attached Equalization Credit Statement. The City of Detroit Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) requests proposals from pre-qualified contractors to repair homes on behalf of the Bridging Neighborhoods Program (BNP) on a house-by-house basis. Contractors will provide a hard bid for all construction and renovation required by the specifications and standards attached to this document and pre-bid walk through findings. Pre-bid walk through notes will be transmitted to bidding contractors within five (5) business days. The City of Detroit expressly reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive any non-conformity, re-advertise for proposals, to withhold the award for any reason the City determines and/or to take any other appropriate action that is in the best interest of the City. The Bridging Neighborhoods Program ("BNP") was created as a result of the Delray community's avocation for a community benefits agreement in response to the forthcoming Gordie Howe International Bridge. The Home Swap Program, administered by BNP, aims to assist Delray residents in providing optional relocation to other thriving neighborhoods in the City of Detroit. In order to deliver on the promise of optional relocation, the BNP estimates it will undertake up to 220 full home renovations throughout the City of Detroit over the next 3-5 years. If a contract is awarded as a result of this RFP it will be a City of Detroit Model Services Contract (sample attached). Any renewal option exercised under this contract is effective only after the approval of the Detroit City Council and the Chief Procurement Officer. The City anticipates one (1) award as a result of the RFP. There will be a Pre-bid Conference and MandatoryWalk-through. This conference will provide an opportunity for the bidders to ask questions and meet with the department representatives and inspect the site where he/she will conduct his/her work. Please limit representative to one (1) per company. Dates are subject to change. The City strongly encourages the hiring of Detroit residents whenever possible by contacting Detroit at Work for your hiring needs. Visit the Detroit at Work website for specific contact information regarding these opportunities. Each respondent is responsible for ensuring that its proposal is received by the City on a timely basis. Faxed or mailed proposals will not be accepted. See the RFP Summary for documents to submit. Contractors shall not distribute their proposals to any other City office, City employee or Sub-contractor of the City. Proposals received become the property of the City. The City is not responsible for any costs associated with preparation or submission of proposals. All proposals submitted by the due date will be recorded in the Oracle System. Responses received will not be available for review. Proposals received will be subject to disclosure under applicable Freedom of Information Act. An officer of the company authorized to bind the company to a contractual obligation with the City must sign the proposals in the Oracle System. The contact person regarding the proposal should also be specified by name, title, and phone number. The successful respondent will receive an award letter. Respondents who are not awarded will receive a notification that the award decision has been made. The proposal shall include all forms as specified in the RFP Summary instructions. Each proposal shall show the full legal name and businesses address of the prospective respondent, including street address if different from mailing address, and shall be signed and dated by the person or persons authorized to bind the prospective respondent. Proposals by a partnership or joint venture shall list the full names and addresses of all parties to the joint venture. The state of incorporation shall be shown for each corporation that is a party to the proposed joint venture. Respondent shall provide notice in its proposal to take exception to any requirement of the RFP. Should a respondent be in doubt as to the true meaning of any portion of this RFP or find any patent ambiguity, inconsistency, or omission herein, the respondent must make a written request for an official interpretation or correction in accordance with the instructions for submitting questions as specified in this RFP. Respondents are advised that no oral interpretation, information or instruction by an officer or employee of the City of Detroit shall be binding upon the City of Detroit. All properly executed invoices submitted by the successful respondent will be paid in accordance with the City of Detroit Prompt Payment Ordinance. 1. The GC is responsible for security of the home and all of its contents from the time the NTP is sent until the keys are turned over at the completion of construction. a. BN will have Secure View installed at homes prior to starting construction. b. Field staff will ensure Secure View is still properly installed at the time of notice to proceed. If/when the GC removes the Secure View during construction, the GC is responsible for the proper reinstallation. 2. At the time of key handoff, GC is no longer responsible for the security of the home and BN will take over all security responsibility. 3. At the time of key handoff, if the closing is not scheduled for the same day, the Secure View will stay installed. a. On the day of the closing, whether it is the day of key hand off or a later date, the GC will be responsible for the removal of Secure View and taking it off site, as well as any touch ups as needed on the window wrap and/or paint. b. BN will notify the GC regarding the scheduling of the closing date and any schedule changes that might occur, to ensure proper coordination for Secure View removal.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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November 29, 2022

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14010 Pinewood St, Detroit, MI

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