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Published January 31, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Spartanburg County is seeking proposals from qualified vendors for the renovation of the Community Services Building second floor, at 9039 Fairforest Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301.Demolition: o All hollow core doors to be removed and disposed of per prints o Remove walls per prints o Remove windows per prints o Remove all paneling in the renovation area o Cabinets in breakroom will be removed and saved for re-install in construction phase o Remove floor covering in renovation areas Construction: o All walls to be built out of metal 2 x 4 studs 16" on center o All walls to be at least at least 8" above ceiling o All walls to be anchored to deck above ceiling o Suspended ceiling will be 2 x 2 o All offices to be insulated with R-13 insulation, and overhead in suspended ceiling for sound proofing. o All newly constructed walls will be covered with 5/8" sheet rock and finished to a smooth surface. o Where paneling is removed. New 3/8" sheetrock will be installed, if there is material under paneling, then finished to a smooth surface. If only studs under the paneling, 5/8" sheetrock will be installed and finished to a smooth surface. o 3' doorway in Tech Area 2 will be made into a 4' cased opening. o 14 new 3/0 x 6/8 x 1- 3/4 " solid wood doors will be installed in the renovation. o Door hardware to be chrome finished, commercial quality 1) 14 - Sergeant leaver door handle with keyed entry (and or equal to) 2) 14 - Dynasty 3000 door closer (and or equal) o New laminate countertop in break room (countertop samples provided to and selected by County) o New door in both men's and women's restrooms, if ADA compliant. o Flooring choice for facility will be a good commercial grade roll carpet, except in breakroom, which will be LVT (flooring samples will be selected by County) HVAC: o Will be Design Build o Upgrade exhaust fans in both men's and women's restroom Lighting: o Will be Design Build Electrical: o Wire for lights and receptacles circuits will be run in BX cable size 12-2 with ground and connected with the proper connector used for BX cable. o All electrical junction boxes in wall, light switch and receptacle, will be metal. o A quad receptacle is to be installed on each wall in each office. o All switches and receptacles will be 20 amp rating o All electrical plate cover will be stainless steel o A 4-quad receptacle on every wall, in every office, along with an empty electrical junction box on every wall with a 1/2 " electrical non-metallic tubing (smurf pipe) attached with a connector, run receptacle height, will run in wall up above suspended ceiling. This will be used for running cat 6 wire later. o Tech area 1 will have 4-quad receptacles along long wall and 4 empty electrical junction boxes with a 1/2 " electrical non-metallic tubing (smurf pipe) attached with a connector, run receptacle height, will run in wall up above suspended ceiling. This will be used for running cat 6 wire later o Tech area 2 will have 4-quad receptacles along East wall and 4 empty electrical junction boxes with a 1/2 " electrical non-metallic tubing (smurf pipe) attached with a connector, run receptacle height, will run in wall up above suspended ceiling. This will be used for running cat 6 wire later Alternate 1, Restrooms: o Install new sinks and commercial grade water closets in both men's and women's restrooms o Install new commercial grade urinal in men's restroom o Install new commercial grade partitions in both men's and women's restrooms (partition samples provided to and chosen by county) o Remove old tile floors and install new LVT floors in both men's and women's restrooms. An alternative may be to install a skim coat and encapsulate with new LVT floors in both men's and women's restrooms (flooring samples provided to and chosen by county). The intent for the alternative is to provide a level smooth surface for the LVT installation o All walls and trim will be painted with semi- gloss paint (color samples to be selected by the County) o Per Building Codes, restrooms must be as ADA compliant. Alternate 2, Conference Room: o Remove all paneling o Refinish walls to smooth surface, if possible. If not possible, new 5/8" sheetrock will be installed and finished to a smooth surface. o All walls and trim will be painted with semi- gloss paint (color samples to be selected by the County) Alternate 3, Remainder of Offices and Hall: o Remove all paneling o Refinish walls, install new 3/8" sheetrock, if there is material under paneling, then finished to a smooth surface. If only studs under the paneling, 5/8" sheetrock will be installed and finished to a smooth surface. o All walls and trim will be painted with semi-gloss paint (color samples provided to and selected by the county) Alternate 4, Remainder of Offices and Hall: o Remove floor covering. o Install new commercial grade, roll carpet. o Flooring choice for facility will be a good commercial grade roll carpet (flooring samples provided to and selected by County)




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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Quality Requirements, Regulatory Requirements, Execution and Closeout Requirements, Closeout Submittals, Warranties
Division 09 - Finishes

Division 09 - Finishes

Flooring, Carpeting, Painting and Coating
Division 10 - Specialties

Division 10 - Specialties

Information Specialties, Signage
Division 23 - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning

Division 23 - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning

HVAC Air Distribution, Air Outlets and Inlets

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February 13, 2023


9039 Fairforest Rd, Spartanburg, SC

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Spartanburg County Community Services Building Second Floor Renovation Project

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