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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Leonardtown, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The St. Marys County Government is seeking bidders to provide separately sealed technical and price proposals to provide open-ended professional services, in accordance with this Solicitation for A/E, Surveying, Marine Design, Construction Management, Construction Inspection and related Professional Services. The St. Marys County Government intends to secure qualified firms to provide the following core services related to these primary categories, in accordance with this solicitation: Architectural/Design Services; Engineering Services; Marine Design and Engineering; Surveying; Construction Management; and Construction Inspection. Firms may propose to provide any or all services described herein, including that of a single discipline. Your technical proposal should clearly describe whether you are applying to be considered for the full menu of services, or a portion thereof, including any single discipline described in this section. Quotes for Projects will be requested from each Vendor awarded an Open-Ended Contract for these Services. Each Project will be awarded to the vendor in accordance with Section M, by way of Purchase Order and a separate Notice to Proceed. A listing of the requested disciplines with examples of possible work follows. The selected Contractor team(s) shall be certified and fully qualified in their field with a minimum of ten (10) years experience. The County may request proposals for specific projects throughout the Contract term for the professional services described herein. The Consultant(s) provided for any Project shall have no conflict of interest with regard to any other work performed by the Consultant(s) for the County. Questions will be received via email through Friday November 18, 2022. No Pre-Bid Meeting will be held. One (1) printed and marked original, plus one (1) PDF copy on USB drive of the technical proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope or container marked TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. One (1) printed and marked original, plus one (1) PDF copy on USB drive of the Schedule of Values Form (Section B) shOne (1) printed and marked original, plus one (1) PDF copy on USB drive of the technical proposal shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope or container marked TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. One (1) printed and marked original, plus one (1) PDF copy on USB drive of the Schedule of Values Form (Section B) shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope or container marked COST PROPOSAL. During the bid process, all communications shall be directed to the Procurement Office only. Bidders shall not contact other officers, agents or employees of the County for information or to discuss solicitation requirements. The Procurement contact for this solicitation is: Brandon Hayden, CPP, CPPM, CGPP; Procurement Manager St. Marys County Procurement Office 41770 Baldridge Street, Second Floor P.O. Box 653 Leonardtown, MD 20650 Email: Any bid, contract or response to any solicitation from St. Marys County may be available for inspection and copying upon request by any person or entity pursuant to the Maryland Public Information Act. The Act requires a denial of inspection of any part of the document that contains a proprietary trade secret, confidential commercial information or confidential financial information. Any such protected information must be specifically identified by the vendor on their submitted documents. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Commissioners of St. Marys County for loss, cost or expense resulting in whole or in part from any such identification or any denial of inspection based thereon. If any portion of your submission is considered proprietary and confidential, a fully redacted copy marked For Public Release shall be included with your original response or submission. The Period of Performance for this Contract is three (3) years from the date of Contract award. Price proposals requested through June 30, 2024 may not exceed the hourly rates bid in Section B of this solicitation. After this date, consultants may adjust their proposals to reflect hourly rates in an amount which does not exceed the current CPI for this region. This Contract will not be subject to renewal. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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June 8, 2023


Multiple Locations, Leonardtown, MD

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