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Published January 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Opelika, Alabama. Completed plans call for site work for a 83,000-square-foot road / highway.

The Lee County Highway Department Complex will be located at the corner of Williamson Ave. and Society Hill Road in Opelika, Alabama and include an Office Building, Shop Building, Multi-Use Building, Equipment parking shed, Fueling Station, and a Kennel building. Buildings are single story slab-on-grade pre-engineered metal buildings totaling approximately 83,000 S.F. Site improvements including grading, parking/ drives, fencing, and irrigation/ landscaping. Consideration of existing conditions is crucial in submitting a responsible bid. Additional Doc Acq. Note: Bid documents will be available for review at the Lee County Highway Department at 100 Orr Ave. in Opelika, AL from 6am- 4pm Monday- Thursday or can be obtained from Auburn Reprographics starting Wednesday, November 9, 2022. (Bidders have the option to purchase a CD in pdf format to read or print the drawings and specifications. Adobe Acrobat reader software is required to read and print electronic bid documents). All Bid Documents may be viewed online. All bidders must register with John Randall Wilson, Architect and Auburn Reprographics to receive communication of all Addenda and RFI's during the bidding process. A Bid Bond of 5% of the bid up to $10,000. in accordance with the laws of the State of Alabama will be required with submission of the bid. A Performance Bond of 100% and Payment Bond of 50% will be required from the successful bidder in accordance with the laws of the State of Alabama. As a condition for award, the business entity and its subcontractors shall not knowingly employ or hire an unauthorized alien within the State of Alabama. The awarded business entity must provide documentation of enrollment in the E-Verify program. The business must participate in the E-Verify program for the length of the contract. Ala. Code 39-3-5 applies to this project. In accordance with Ala. Code 39-3-5(a), ". preference shall be given to resident contractors, and a nonresident bidder domiciled in a state having laws granting preference to local contractors shall be awarded Alabama public contracts only on the same basis as the nonresident bidder's state awards contracts to Alabama contractors bidding under similar circumstances; and resident contractors in Alabama, as defined in Section 392-12, be they corporate, individuals, or partnerships, are to be granted preference over nonresidents in awarding of contracts in the same manner and to the same extent as provided by the laws of the state of domicile of the nonresident."


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work





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December 13, 2022

February 13, 2023


Williamson Ave & Society Hill Rd, Opelika, AL

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