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Published November 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lincoln, Nebraska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
SCOPE OF CONTRACT 1.1 It is the intent of Lancaster County, Nebraska; the City of Lincoln/Lancaster County Public Building Commission; and the City of Lincoln (hereinafter referred to as "Owners"), to retain qualified contractors for Unit Price Flooring, Carpet, Tile and Edging Installation Services. 1.2 Unit Price Projects are designed to provide construction type services (primarily repair and maintenance) which range from $0 - up to $50,000.00 without issuing additional informal or formal bids. 1.3 Contracts will be awarded to Vendors based on their level of interest and ability/desire to provide bonding and insurance as required for the various thresholds. Thresholds are based on State Statute, the County Purchasing Act and City Code. Level 1 - Individual Project Amount -- $0 - $10,000.00 - No Bonds required - Insurance Required - Vendors can only quote projects up to the maximum amount - No exceptions - Completion of a Unit Price Quote Sheet is required. - The number of individual projects up to the maximum amount is unlimited. Level 2 - Individual Project Amount -- $0 - $25,000.00 - Performance and Payment Bonds Required for $25,000.00 - Insurance Required - Vendors can only quote projects up to the maximum amount - No exceptions - Completion of a Unit Price Quote Sheet is required. - Vendors may quote projects in Level 1 and Level 2. - The number of individual projects up to the maximum amount is unlimited. Level 3 - Individual Project Amount -- $0 - up to $50,000.00 - Performance and Payment Bonds Required for $50,000.00 - Insurance Required - Vendors can only quote projects up to the maximum amount - No exceptions - Completion of a Unit Price Quote Sheet is required. - Vendors may quote projects in Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. - The number of individual projects up to the maximum amount is unlimited. 1.3.2 Vendors must maintain the required bond amount (if applicable) and insurance for the entire term of the contract including all renewals. Failure to submit bonds and insurance prior to expiration are subject to termination. 1.4 It is estimated that the yearly expenditures for this service for all departments/agencies of the Owners is $90,000.00. 1.5 This contract is for NON- FEDERAL funded projects only. 1.6 Contract will be awarded to the Vendor(s) whose bid substantially meets all of the required specifications, duties, terms and conditions as defined in this request and whose pricing is determined to be fair and reasonable according to comparisons of other bidders and the need for additional Vendor/s for the services. 1.7 Contracts will be effective March 1, 2023, through February 29, 2024 with an option to renew for three (3) additional one (1) year terms upon mutual consent of all parties. 1.8 Any deviation from these Specifications or any other bid document must be documented on Company Letterhead and attached to the Supplier Response section of your E bid response. 1.9 Vendor must submit their bid and all attachments via the City/County E bid system. To submit a bid, Vendor must be registered with the City of Lincoln/Lancaster County Purchasing Dept. 1.9.2 To register, go to the City of Lincoln website; type bid in search box click on "supplier registration" follow instructions to completion. 1.10 All inquiries regarding these specifications shall be directed via e-mail request to Teresa Fleming at 1.10.1 Reference the Bid Number in the Subject line of the email. 1.10.2 These inquiries and/or responses shall be distributed to prospective Vendors as an electronic addenda if applicable. 1.10.3 All inquiries must be submitted to the Purchasing Office five (5) calendar days prior to the bid opening. 1.10.4 Vendors are not allowed to discuss this bid with any Owner employee or elected official other than the City/County Purchasing Staff through the award process. Failure to follow this requirement may result in immediate disqualification of your bid. 1.11 An awarded contract is not assignable without the written approval of the Owners in the form of a contract amendment. 1.12 The Construction Administrator for each project will be determined at the time the Unit Price Quote sheet is executed by the Owners. 1.13 Vendor shall maintain existing functions and utilities at the construction site and protect the public, employees, public facilities, and buildings against damage during all portions of each project. 1.13.1 Any damage done to any part of the Owners property which is not part of the predetermined construction will be immediately repaired by the Vendor at no charge to the Owners or Public. 1.13.2 Vendor shall not store construction products, tools or supplies in an area other than what is designated as a staging area by the Construction/Contract Administrator. 1.14 Payment shall be made by Owner within 30 days from receipt of invoice from Vendor. 1.14.1 Owner will verify that all costs on invoice do not exceed the estimate on the Unit Price Quotation Sheet prior to approving payment. CONTRACT AND INSURANCE 2.1 Within ten (10) calendar days after the award of bid the Contractor(s) must execute a written Unit Price Construction Contract between the Contractor and the Owners which includes the required Performance/Payment Bonds (if applicable), insurance and any other documentation requested in the bid. 2.1.1 Vendor must furnish insurance documents with the executed contract in accordance with the "Insurance Clause for All City of Lincoln, Lancaster County and Public Building Commission Contracts. Specific insurance requirements include, but are not limited to, additional insured, builders' risk and work comp endorsements. 3. REQUIREMENTS - FLOORING, CARPET, TILE AND EDGING INSTALLATION SERVICES 3.1 Awarded Vendors shall perform work according to the City of Lincoln Standard Specifications for Municipal Construction unless specifically required by the department to follow another guideline which takes precedence over the bid documents. 3.1.1 Exclusions include liquidated damages unless otherwise addressed with the Contract Administrator. 3.2 Vendor shall provide flooring installation services - including the demolition of existing flooring materials and accessories, preparation, and inspection of surfaces to receive flooring and the installation of carpet, carpet tile, resilient tile flooring, sheet vinyl flooring, resilient wall base, resilient flooring accessories and other related work. Existing material, debris, installation materials and adhesives shall be removed and properly disposed of by the Vendor in accordance with all Local, State and Federal regulations. 3.4 Vendor shall repair damaged areas on the floor as needed prior to installation. 3.5 Carpet, tile or flooring must be of commercial grade and installed using commercial grade adhesive. The Owners may utilize a current contract for carpet if it deemed to be in their best interest. The materials, colors and characteristics are subject to approval by the Owners prior to purchasing for respective projects. Examples of an acceptable current carpet grade are J & J Industries or Shaw Hybrid Ecoworx-Man. 3.6 Vendor shall warranty installed product for a minimum of one year from date of installation from normal wear and tear damage. 3.6.1 If manufacturer's warranty extends beyond one (1) year, such warranty shall be in effect. 3.7 Installation shall be during normal business hours Monday thru Friday unless requested by the department representative. 3.7.1 Vendor shall complete all work in a manner where there is no delay from the time the carpet is removed until the carpet and base is completed. 3.8 Installation could include the raising of system furniture and moving of other office furniture to install flooring. 3.9 Vendor shall be responsible for acquiring and paying for all permits, fees and licenses associated with the work to be done according to the Unit Price Quote Sheet. 3.9.1 Permit, fees, and license costs shall be added to the Unit Price Quote Sheet prior to approval by the Owners. 3.10 Contracted Vendors for this service will be notified via email or phone by the Owners Contract Administrator. 3.10.1 Vendor has 48 hours to respond via email or phone to the request for a Unit Price Quote by the Owner to schedule a day and time to view the job. Failure to reply to a Quote request within 48 hours will allow the Owner to select from the respondents who did reply. Vendors who do not submit quotes or complete work as scheduled and required shall be subject to a Vendor Performance Meeting to discuss the situation and develop a strategy for compliance in the future. 3.11 The Owners are requesting that all Unit Price Contractors be available to perform services during unforeseen emergency situations such as natural or man-made disasters. 3.11.1 Vendors shall indicate in the Attribute section if they are willing to be available for these emergency services, and if so, at what rates. 4. BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS 4.1 Bidders must be registered in accordance with the current Lincoln Municipal Code. 4.2 Bidders who have not provided similar services for the Owners in the last five (5) years shall attach a list of references for similar projects with their bidding documents. 4.2.1 Vendors submitting references shall include a minimum of three (3) for similar projects completed in the last five (5) years. 4.2.2 References shall include: name, contact person, email address, telephone number, and type of work performed. 4.2.3 References may be attached to the Response Attachment section of the Ebid response. 5. UNIT PRICE QUOTE SHEETS 5.1 Awarded Vendors will be required to complete a not-to-exceed project estimate using the Unit Price Quote Sheet for each project requested by the Owners. 5.2 Unit Price Quotes Sheets are not-to-exceed estimates of the project cost and may not reflect the exact invoice amount submitted for payment. Vendors who over-estimate their cost will only be paid for the work actually performed to complete the project. 5.2.2 In the event the Vendor discovers unforeseen circumstances associated with the completion of the project, additional cost according to the rates in the Unit Price Quote Sheet may be charged with the approval of the Construction Administrator up to the maximum amount of the Unit Price Contract. 5.3 Unit Price Quote Sheet job positions, terms, and rates are extracted from the bid response submitted by each Vendor in the E bid system. 5.4 Information in the bid which transfers to the Unit Price Quote Sheet must include labor, materials, rentals, overhead, profit, licenses, fees, permits and any other charges associated with the completion of the work. 5.4.1 Vendors may not deviate from the pricing or terms in the Bid or Unit Price Quote Sheet. 5.4.2 In the event a Vendor has a fee that is not specifically called out in the Line Items, the Vendor shall incorporate that fee into other Line Items. 6. CLEAN UP 6.1 The Vendor shall be responsible for keeping the premises free of waste materials or debris resulting from operations or the operations of subcontractors on a daily basis. 6.2 The Vendor shall remove equipment, waste, and surplus materials from the premises when the need for keeping them on the job no longer exists. 6.3 The Vendor shall make every effort to recycle any and all material being disposed when it is economical to do so. 7. EVALUATION AND AWARD 7.1 The Owners will award contract/s to Vendors who have: 7.1.1 Completed documentation as requested and submitted with bid. 7.1.2 Favorable references in this type of construction field. 7.1.3 Hourly rates and other cost factors which are deemed to be fair and reasonable compared to other bids submitted and base rate for service in the County. 7.2 The Owners intend to award to multiple Vendors for the requested services to ensure a competitive market is in place for each project, and companies are available on an as needed basis throughout the year.
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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