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Published December 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Ionia, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

**As of December 21, 2022, the project was awarded on Monday night to Grand Valley Automations in Grandville Michigan. Estimated start date is summer 2023. The estimated cost to this project is $800,000.00 to $1.1 million. Ionia Public School District (the "School District") is seeking bids from contractors for the purpose of upgrading the School District's current HVAC controls and related equipment at various school buildings within the School District. The purpose of this Request For Bids For HVAC Controls Retrofit and Replacement (the "RFB") is to obtain bids from experienced and qualified HVAC mechanical contractors to make upgrades to the School District's current HVAC controls at designated School District buildings (the "Work"). The School District may select one or more experienced and qualified contractors to proceed with the negotiation process from those submitting Bids. The process will include the review and evaluation of methods and procedures used to provide effective construction services for the School District within the scope of this RFB. Past experience will also be judged through the references of each entity. Each Bid must detail the contractor's experience and expertise in order to allow the School District to properly and promptly evaluate each Bid, and the failure to do so may cause the School District to reject said Bid. The School District will select the Bid, if any, that it deems most qualified to serve the best interests of the School District, in its sole and absolute discretion. The School District, in its sole and absolute discretion, reserves the right to request post-Bid interviews from all, some or none of the entities submitting Bids. The new controls shall be integrated into the School District's existing Schneider ElectricEcoStruxure IPS BMS front end system. The EcoStruxure Enterprise level software must be upgraded to latest version at end of this project and completion of the Work. These new controls will reside on a new ring type IP network for all controllers. Engineering, furnish and installing this new IP network in each School District building will be the responsibility of the contractor, including all coordination with the School District's Information Technology (IT) department. Each designated School District building that is a part of the scope of the Work shall have a minimum of (1) new automation server. Please see additional information on the current system and desired upgrades and related specifications set forth in APPENDIX B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Some installation may require use of specialized equipment, such as lifts and other equipment to install at desired locations. The selected contractor(s) would be responsible for all Work required for the installation, configuration and integration of all HVAC controls contemplated under this RFB. All Work must be done in accordance with all applicable law, rules, regulations, ordinances and School District policies and be completed by SEPTEMBER 30, 2023. The School District will not respond to any Request For Clarification received after 5:00 p.m. on November 21, 2022. Requests For Clarification must be made via e-mail and must be directed to Mike Avery at mavery@ioniaschools.org, (Subject Line: HVAC Controls RFB Request For Clarification). No response will be made to any oral questions. All questions and answers will be posted. All Contractors must include "bid security" in the form of a bid bond from a qualified surety, a certified check or a cashier's check in the amount of five (5) percent of the Contractor's total bid amount as a condition for consideration of award. Bid bonds shall be duly executed by the Contractor as principal and having as surety thereon, a company authorized to execute such in the State of Michigan. All Sureties must be listed in the Department of Treasury's Circular 570. The bid bond shall pledge that the Contractor, with the understanding that if their bid is accepted, will enter into the Contract with the School District for the services stated in their bid and will furnish bonds covering the faithful performance of the Contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder. The attorney who signs the surety bond must file with the bond, a certified and effectively dated copy of the power of attorney. Bid securities will be returned to the successful Contractor after a Contract has been executed, and acceptance of required bonds and insurance is made. The bid security of Contractors not under consideration for award of the Contract will be returned by the School District in a timely manner. The bid security of all Bidders may be retained until a Contract is awarded. The bid security obligees shall be the School District and shall become its property in the event that the Contractor fails, within fifteen (15) days of notice of award, to execute the Contract, deliver the performance and payment bonds, and send the required certificates of insurance. The bid security shall be forfeited to the School District as liquidated damages, not as a penalty. Successful Contractors whose Bids and/or awarded contract amounts are $50,000 or more may be required to furnish both a Performance Bond and Payment Bond, in a form satisfactory to the School District, in the amount of 100% of its Bid by a Michigan Department of Treasury-listed Surety licensed to do business in the State of Michigan, and the attorney-in-fact who executed the Performance and Payment Bonds on behalf of the Contractor shall attach a certified, current copy of its power of attorney. The cost of the Bonds shall be included in each Bid Form if applicable.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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