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Published November 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Baltimore, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Port Covington development project is a development effort located within the Port Covington Peninsula in Baltimore City, MD. As one of the largest urban revitalization undertakings in the United States, the Port Covington project (the Project) is expected to have a transformative impact on Baltimore Citys future. At full completion, the Project is planned to include up to 14.1 million square feet of new, mixed-use development; 2.5 miles of restored waterfront; and over forty acres of parks, green space, and right-of-way. The Master Plan provides for the development of the Port Covington Peninsula, which when completed, is expected to consist of multiple phases known as Chapters. The development timeline for the full buildout of the Project is expected to be completed over a fifteen to twenty-year period. MAG Partners is a developer on the Project (The Developer). The Developer is part of the Port Covington Development Team. The Development Team is committed to promoting supplier diversity, creating job opportunities for Baltimore City residents through local hiring, and fostering the growth of minority and women-owned firms, contractors, and local businesses. The successful Respondent shall clearly demonstrate its ability to affect certain Local Hiring and Supplier Diversity goals enumerated within the Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Baltimore1. The City MOU and Hiring Requirements Rider are respectively attached as Exhibits A and D which describe the objectives applicable to any successful Respondent that will be performing services on the Project. The respondent should have extensive experience with commercial mixed use fire alarm monitoring. The Project will be designed with the context of the master plan in mind and reflect design objectives in coordination with existing, concurrent, and future development. Notwithstanding the above, the Project may evolve, and/or the base parameters may be modified to reflect updated or revised plans, all within in the sole discretion of Developer. Any such revisions shall be limited to reasonable parameters, and communicated to qualified Respondents to update pricing, schedule, or other relevant factors The infrastructure design in the Project will provide for ranges of ability and accessibility that comply with the American with Disabilities Act (the ADA). In addition to ADA requirements, the Developer has selected the Brigance Brigade Foundation to lead an independent task force to ensure that accessibility design is achieved. Port Covington is planned to be inclusive and designed to enable accessibility for every visitor and resident. Certain aspects of the Project pertaining to matters including, but not limited to, future development, design, investor relations and other sensitive or confidential matters must necessarily be restricted, or only shared with suitable protection. In such situations where confidential information is required to be shared, the Developer shall require a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is executed by the appropriate parties, including Respondent. A form of the NDA is attached hereto as Exhibit B for the Respondents review. As appropriate, the Respondent shall assemble and direct a team necessary to complete the Project. The Project is expected to be contracted under a form of Professional Services Agreement. Each contract shall require an appropriate Hiring Requirements Rider that corresponds to the scope and nature of the services provided; a copy of the applicable Hiring Requirements Rider is attached hereto as Exhibit for the Respondents review. Insurance requirements are attached hereto as Exhibit D for the Respondents review. Experience: Provide a descriptive list of three (3) projects in the past five (5) years which demonstrate relevant experiences and capabilities. The Respondent shall also describe the volume of work in Baltimore City in the last five (5) years. Lastly, the Respondent should describe any noteworthy differentiators between their company and their competitors. Explain how the Respondent will be able to achieve these goals. Additionally, the successful Respondent is required to articulate and explain previous history with local hiring and supplier diversity, especially in Baltimore City. The successful Respondent shall be required to affirm, in writing, that it has read and understands the City MOU and shall be able to comply with the Hiring Requirements Rider. This RFQ is not in any manner to be considered an order for or an offer to purchase any or all of the services or materials set forth herein. The Developer reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals at its discretion, to make awards in any way it deems to be in the Developers best interest, to negotiate privately with one or more Respondents regarding a best and final offer or any other matter, and to add or delete any specified services or requirements before awarding a definitive contract. THIS RFQ DOES NOT COMMIT THE DEVELOPER TO ACCEPT ANY PROPOSAL OR ENTER INTO ANY CONTRACT. THIS RFQ DOES NOT OBLIGATE THE DEVELOPER TO PAY FOR ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS. Award of a final contract will be based in part upon available funding, the development of final pricing options, and will ultimately be exercised at the sole discretion of Developer. All information and intellectual property developed during the creation of the Contract Drawings shall be the property of the Developer. All supplementary instructions to Respondents are to be in writing. The Developer will not be responsible for oral instructions from any source. A principal, duly authorized to make contracts, must execute the Proposal. The Respondent's legal name and address must be fully stated. All qualified Respondents will receive a response from the Developer.



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