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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Shelby, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Shelby isrequesting Statements of Qualification from interested and qualified firms to provide engineering services for a Traffic Impact Analysis in Shelby, North Carolina. The proposed study is located on Graham St. and is approximately 2,200 linear feet of roadway (see enclosed map for reference). The roadway project shall be coordinated with City of Shelby staff and North Carolina Department of Transportation Division 12. This Request for Qualifications is to obtain expert professional, technical, and advisory services that provides a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for a potential lane reconfiguration project on Graham St. from Juan Pl to S. Morgan St. Through this TIA conclusions should be coordinated with City of Shelby and NCDOT to provided recommendations if needed. The purpose of this Traffic Impact Analysis is to evaluate the impacts of a potential lane configuration ("road diet") within the study area. The overall goal of any roadway modification is to serve as a "traffic calming" measure that increases the safety and comfort for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. The selected consultant will be required to enter into an agreement with the City of Shelby. The types of services and expertise required for this solicitation are described below. Consultants offering expertise in the services described below are encouraged to submit statements of qualifications. Questions that arise shall be submitted via email to Mr. Bryant Nodine at by 2:00 PM, November 22, 2022. Questions and answers will be provided to othersreceiving thisrequest. It is understood that all submittals will become part of the public's file on this matter, without obligation to the City. The City of Shelby reserves the right to accept and/or reject any and all submittals. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 1, 2023


E Graham St, Shelby, NC

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