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Site work for a water / sewer project in South Weber, Utah. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Questions should be directed to the Engineer: Dana Q. Shuler, P.E. at (801) 440-7403 or Deadline for questions is 12:00 p.m. (noon) on November 18, 2022. Question Submission Close Date 11/10/2022 4:30 PM MST This courtesy posting is an advertisement of a procurement opportunity for South Weber City, not the Division of Purchasing. Responses should be directed to the designated individual/office as designated in the solicitation document. The Division of Purchasing does not accept responses for courtesy postings. The contract award for this solicitation will not be posted on this portal. Instead, you will need to contact the designated individual/office as identified in the solicitation document. This solicitation posting will be canceled/closed upon the closing date of this solicitation; however, a vendor's response will still be evaluated by South Weber Cityas described in the solicitation document. The Division of Purchasing is neither the issuing or conducting procurement unit for this solicitation, as such it is the vendor's responsibility to review the entire solicitation in order to comply with any requirements. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The Project generally includes: 1. East Bench Water Transmission Line- Installation of approximately 3,100 lf of 14-inch fused HDPE water line and appurtenances along an existing dirt access road, 400 lf of 12-inch water line along city streets, and water vault piping re-configuration. Items of significance include construction on USFS property, working within Bureau of Reclamation easements, limited access, limited work area width, mountainous terrain, and crossing of the Weber Basin aqueduct. Work will be performed on public, federal, and private properties. All permits and easements have been obtained for the Project. Rock excavation may be required. No blasting will be permitted. 2. Cornia Drive Water Line Replacement- Installation of a 12-inch PVC or DI water line with appurtenances, fire hydrants, and connections to existing building service lines. Items of significance include maintenance of traffic (single access to Weber Basin Job Corps campus) and work near significant fiber optic runs and petroleum pipelines. 3. Fire Hydrant Replacements - Replacement of several fire hydrants throughout the City. 4. All work shall conform to the South Weber City Public Works Standards. 5. See Invitation to Submit Pre-Qualification Proposal for more information South Weber City (Owner) invites interested Contractors (or Contractor Teams) to submit statements of qualifications in order to pre-qualify to bid the South Weber City 2023 Water Improvements Project (Project). Only pre-qualified Contractors will be invited to submit a bid on the project. Questions should be directed to the Engineer: Dana Q. Shuler, P.E. at (801) 440-7403 or Deadline for questions is 12:00 p.m. (noon) on November 18, 2022. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all pre-qualification proposals, with or without cause, or to accept the proposal which, in its sole judgment, best serves the interest of the Owner. All decisions related to this solicitation will be final.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, South Weber, UT

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