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Saving Project...

Published May 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Summit, New Jersey. Conceptual plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and road / highway.

As of May 15, 2024, although a firm timeline has not been established, construction is estimated to take place near the end of 2024. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: The following definitions shall apply to and are used in this Request for Proposals: "City" - refers to the City of Summit. "Principals" means persons possessing an ownership interest in the Respondent. If the Respondent is a corporation, then the term "Principals" shall include each investor who would have any amount of operational control over the Respondent and every stockholder having an ownership interest of ten percent (10%) or more in the firm. " Proposal" - refers to the complete responses to this RFP submitted by the Respondents. "Qualified Respondent" - refers to those Respondents who (in the sole judgment of the City) have satisfied the qualification criteria set forth in this RFP. "Respondent" or "Respondents" - refers to the interested firm(s) that submit a Proposal. "Review Team" - Members of the City Administration and its legal advisor/s and/or financial advisor/s and/or designated staff as appropriate who shall review the Proposals. "RFP" - refers to this Request for Proposal, including any amendments thereof or supplements thereto. All communications concerning this RFP process shall be directed to the City's Designated Contact Person, in writing. Designated Contact Person: Aaron Schrager, P.E. - Director & City Engineer City of Summit Department of Community Service, 2nd Floor 512 Springfield Avenue Summit, NJ 07901 All costs incurred by the Respondent in connection with responding to this RFP shall be borne solely by the Respondent. The City reserves the right, in its sole judgment, to reject any Respondent that submits incomplete responses to this RFP, or a Proposal that is not responsive to the requirements of this RFP. The City reserves the right, without prior notice, to supplement, amend, or otherwise modify this RFP, or otherwise request additional information. All Proposals shall become the property of the City and will not be returned. All Proposals will be made available to the public in accordance with applicable laws after the RFP's have been opened past the stated deadlines. The City may request Respondents to send representatives to the City for interviews. Any and all Proposals not received by the City by 4:00 p.m. prevailing time on December 6, 2022 will be rejected. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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