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Published November 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving, remodeling and addition to a mixed-use development in Battle Creek, Michigan. Completed plans call for the addition of a two-story above grade educational facility; for the remodel of a two-story above grade educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; water / sewer project; educational facility; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

26.1 Electrical The project consists of a two-story classroom addition to the existing middle school building. Existing classroom spaces will be remodeled with new finishes and MEP upgrades. Extension of entrance vestibules for student entrances. Existing office spaces are to be reconfigured and remodeled with new finishes and MEP upgrades. Sitework includes parking lot and stormwater retention upgrades, including an extension to the student drop off lane around the west side of the building. The anticipated timetable of key dates for this bid are as follows: Documents available for Contractors October 12, 2022 Pre-bid and Site Walk-thru October 14, 2022, 1:00 PM RFI questions cut off October 27, 2022, 3:00 PM Bid Due Date November 3, 2022, 1:00 PM Bid Opening (in person) November 3, 2022, 1:00 PM Post-bid Interviews November 7, 2022 - November 11, 2022 Award to Contractor November 22, 2022 Bids received after specified date and time will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Bids will be accepted as single "Bid Packages", or "Combination Bid Packages" as determined to be in the Owner's best interest. Combination bids shall be submitted in separate envelopes. Fillable bid forms and other project forms can be found in the "Project Forms" folder in our online plan room. Required; Bid bond or certified check of not less than 5% of the bid amount shall be submitted with bid and made payable to Lakeview School District. PREVAILING WAGE: This is not a prevailing wage project FAMILIAL RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE: All proposals shall be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship (or lack of a relationship) that exists between the owner or any employee of the bidder and any member of the Board of Education of the Lakeview School District or the Superintendent of the School District. The District shall not accept a bid that does not include a sworn and notarized disclosure statement. IRAN ECONOMIC SANCTIONS ACT: Additionally, each bid shall be accompanied by a disclosure statement indicating that they have not been doing business with companies having ties with the country of Iran in accordance with the Iran Sanctions Act. TYPE OF CONTRACT: The base bid shall be a lump sum amount, for the work as set forth in the bid documents. CONTRACT SECURITY: Payment and Performance Bonds will be required for all awarded contracts in excess of $50,000 and the cost of these bonds is to be included in your base bid. All packages less than $50,000 must state, as an alternate, the cost of providing Payment and Performance Bonds. RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, alternates, or proposals, and to accept bids, alternates, or proposals that, in its sole judgment, serve its best interests. *BID REQUIREMENTS: (review all bid documents) Bid Bond or Certified Check - regardless of bid amount Familial Statement of Disclosure - signed and notarized Affidavit of Compliance - Iran Economic Sanctions Act - signed and notarized Bid Form - fully completed and signed (must use fillable form attached) Unit Pricing and Bid Breakdown BID DOCUMENTS PROJECT MANUAL - Lakeview MS Renovation and Addition 10.12.2022 DRAWINGS - Lakeview MS Renovation and Addition 09.29.2022 SPECIFICATIONS - Lakeview MS Renovation and Addition 09.29.2022 ADDENDUMS ADDENDUM 001 - Lakeview MS Renovation 10.20.2022 ADDENDUM 002 - Lakeview MS Renovation 11.01.2022 CLARIFICATIONS CLARIFICATION 01 - Lakeview MS Renovation 10.28.2022 CLARIFICATION 02 - Lakeview MS Renovation 10.31.2022 CLARIFICATION 03 - Lakeview MS Renovation 11.02.2022 CLARIFICATION 04 - Lakeview MS Renovation 11.02.2022 CLARIFICATION 05 - Lakeview MS Renovation 11.04.2022 CLARIFICATION 06 - Lakeview MS Renovation 11.07.2022 RFIs RFI 001 - Elevator Substitution Request RFI 003 - Door Schedule and Scope Questions RFI 004 - Food Service Equipment RFI 005 - Theater Lighting, Audio Video, and Data Communications RFI 006 - Metal Composite Wall Panel Fabricator RFI 007 - Insulated Translucent Panel System RFI 008 - Key Cylinders RFI 009 - Flooring Materials RFI 010 - Detail 6/A6.12 Door Clarification RFI 011 - Aluminum Ladder Substitution Request RFI 013 - FDC Connection RFI 012 - Unit F Vault Demo RFI 014 - Garment Bar and Supports RFI 015 - Stand Pipe RFI 016 - Hot Water System RFI 017 - Shot Feeder and Side Filter Stream, Expansion Tank & Boilers RFI 018 - Brick Support at Metal Panel RFI 019 - Hollow Metal Frame Elevation 10H RFI 020 - FRP Doors RFI 021 - Condensate Piping RFI 022 - Signage Timeline RFI 023 - Fire Rated Alum Doors RFI 023 R - Fire Rated Alum Doors ***Revised*** RFI 024 - Silt Sock Request RFI 025 - Vest B123 Existing Floor RFI 026 - Saw Cutting RFI 027 - Stair Entries - Alum. Fire Rated/Hollow Metal RFI 028 - Civil Schedule, Milling, Courts and Portable Classrooms RFI 028 R - Civil Schedule, Milling, Courts and Portable Classrooms RFI 029 - Scope Responsibility for Goggle Cabinet RFI 030 - Brick Size RFI 031 - Brick Soldier Course Type RFI 032 - Class 53 D.I.P. Substitution RFI 035 - Vehicular Gates RFI 036 - Opening Elevations and Hardware RFI 037 - Demising Walls RFI 039 - Louvers in Existing RFIs (Yet to be issued) RFI 002 - High Density Mobile Shelving System RFI 034 - Earthwork Scope item 10 RFI 038 - Stepped Edge Wall Molding RFI 040 - Addendum 2 14/A7.10 Burnished Block RFI 041 - FRP Doors - Aluminum Frames RFI 042 - Temporary Walls RFI 043 - Hollow Metal Borrowed Lites - Fire Rating *CLARIFICATION 07 has been released.




Public - County

Addition, Paving, Remodeling, Site Work

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November 16, 2022

January 10, 2023


300 S 28th St, Battle Creek, MI

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