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Published December 29, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Seattle, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Work Orders to be issued by the Airport for painting of numbers, markings, and stripes on the surface of runways, taxiways, and aprons at the Airport. Work includes, but is not limited to, survey and layout of markings, painting and striping, thermoplastics, and related miscellaneous work. Contractor must be capable of applying 50,000 SF of paint within a 7-hour period. Contract Specialist: Mark Hoge, mark.hoge@kingcounty.gov, 206-263-9325 Alternate Contract Specialist: Trisha Roth, troth@kingcounty.gov, 206-263-1964 The work performed under this Contract shall not exceed $750,000 and the initial Contract Time shall not exceed 365 calendar days from the date of Contract Execution by the County. The County does not guarantee any minimum amount of work or that the dollar amount of the Work Orders issued will total $750,000 during the duration of this Contract. At the County's sole discretion, this Contract may be extended for one additional year or until the Not to Exceed Contract Price is reached, whichever occurs first. Subcontracting Opportunities: Painting and striping; Survey and Layout. Apprenticeship Requirements: 3% minimum Apprentice Utilization Requirement for the total price of all executed Work Orders. SCS Utilization Requirements. 5% minimum requirement for King County Certified Small Contractors and Suppliers (SCS) for the total price of all executed Work Orders. Bid Guaranty: Not less than five percent (5%) of the Total Bid Price. The bid shall be accompanied by a PDF file of an original bid guaranty in the amount equal to at least 5% of the Total Bid Price. Upon request by the County, bidder(s) shall provide the original bid guaranty which accompanied their electronic bid. The bid guaranty shall be in one of the following formats and made payable to KING COUNTY: (1) a bid guaranty bond, using either the form provided in 00 43 13 or a form acceptable to the County which contains provisions substantially similar to those in 00 43 13, duly completed by a guaranty company authorized to carry on business in the state of Washington; or (2) a postal money order, a certified check, or cashier's check drawn upon a banking institution with a branch office in the state of Washington. The surety signing the bid guaranty bond shall be registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and the surety's name shall appear in the current Authorized Insurance Company List in the State of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. Failure to submit the PDF file of the original bid guaranty, or upon request by the County, provide the original bid guaranty, shall render the bid non-responsive and be rejected. The Bidder to whom the County issues the Intent to Award for this Contract shall furnish a Performance and Payment Bond, in accordance with 00 52 00, only on the form provided in 00 61 00, in the amount of 100% of the Not to Exceed amount for this Contract, as security for the faithful performance and completion of the work. Such bond must be executed, dated and sealed by a duly licensed surety(ies) which is registered with the Washington State Insurance Commissioner, and the surety's(ies') name shall appear in the current Authorized Insurance Company List in the state of Washington published by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. The surety should be bound by an attorney-in-fact, preferably a resident of this County, but certainly of the State of Washington. The scope of the Performance and Payment Bond or the form herein prescribed shall in no way affect or alter the liabilities of the Contractor to the County under the terms of the Contract Documents. The County may require the surety(ies) to appear and qualify themselves upon the bond. If at any time the County determines, in its sole judgment, that the surety(ies) are insufficient, the County may require the Contractor to furnish additional surety in form and arrangement satisfactory to the County and in an amount not exceeding that originally required. Payments will not be made on the Contract until sufficient surety as required is furnished.


Transportation Terminals


Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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