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Published December 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Mandeville, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

DPW Fence Repairs Hurricane Ida The project classification is: Building Construction The last day to submit questions and/or verification on comparable products will be no later than 2:00 pm CST, seven (7) working days prior to the opening date of the bid/proposal due date. Further, any questions or inquires must be submitted via fax to 985- 898-5227, or via email to Procurement@stpgov.org. Any questions or inquiries received after the required deadline to submit questions or inquiries will not be answered. Any inquiry regarding these insurance requirements should be addressed to: St. Tammany Parish Government Office of Risk Management P O Box 628 Covington, LA 70434 Telephone: 985-898-5226 Email: riskman@stpgov.org Work to Include: Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, tools, and materials equivalent to repair the existing fencing at the following locations listed below. Scope of work shall include but is not limited to the following: 1. Hickory Barn (F804) 67835 Hwy 41-Pearl River, LA 70452 Section 27, Township 7S, Range 14E Contractor shall replace 20' of 6' Chain Link Fence presently knocked down, replace 3 broken top railings, rejoin the fence to the top railing at various locations of the fence, replace barbed wire mounts where needed, tighten and reinstall barbed wire as needed along the fence, re-tie fence posts as needed and adjust gates and haul off damaged materials. 2. Covington Barn (F316) 1305 N Florida St Covington LA 70433 Section 38, Township 6S, Range 11E Replace 100' of 6' chain link fence, replace 3 strands of barbed wire at the top and tie into the existing fence and haul off damaged materials. 3. Camp Salmen (F915) 35122 Camp Salmen Road, Slidell, LA 70461 Section 39, Township 9S, Range 14E Replace 100'of 6' chain link fence with 3 strand barb wires, repair/replace top rails as needed on damaged section, tighten all barbed wire on connections with the existing fence, rejoin fence to top railing at the damaged location of the fence, replace barbed wire mounts where needed, tighten and reinstall barbed wire as needed along the fence, re-tie fence posts as needed and haul off damaged materials. 4. Emerald Forest Blvd (R03L122) Covington, LA West of Helenbirg Rd. intersection heading West 4500' Section 11 Township 7S Range 11E Remove the damaged fence and replace the existing 8' wooden fence from Helenbirg Rd. westward for 4500'. Price quotes shall include materials and labor charges as applicable for each location on the Unit Price Form. All materials furnished and installed shall be new and equivalent to the existing fencing at the locations listed. Contractor is responsible to haul off damaged materials. Location of Work: 1. Hickory Barn (F804) 67835 Hwy 41-Pearl River, LA 70452 Section 27, Township 7S, Range 14E Version 2022 Q1 2. Covington Barn (F316) 1305 N Florida St Covington LA 70433 Section 38, Township 6S, Range 11E 3. Camp Salmen (F915) 35122 Camp Salmen Road, Slidell, LA 70461 Section 39, Township 9S, Range 14E 4. Emerald Forest Blvd (R03L122) Covington, LA West of Helenbirg Rd. intersection heading West 4500' Section 11 Township 7S Range 11E




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Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Mandeville, LA

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