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Published November 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Martinsville, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

For supplies and materials to be used by morgan county during the year 2023. All bidders are hereby notified that the acceptance of a bid will not bind Morgan County to purchase any or all quantities advertised. All bids will be accepted on a requirement need basis to be determined by the office holder, department supervisor or County Commissioners. Once an order is placed by the proper Morgan County purchasing agent with the successful bidder, the bidder will be required to deliver materials and/or supplies ordered within 24 hours, or other time agreed by the purchasing agent. Should a successful bidder not meet these delivery requirements, then the purchasing agent shall have the right to place the order on the open market. The Morgan County Board of Commissioners will receive sealed bids for the following Classes and Items: CLASS 1 -Gasoline -35,000 gallons or less unleaded gasoline delivered (87 Octane Minimum) to the Morgan County Highway Dept. CLASS 2 -Diesel Fuel -40,000 On Road or less, 20,000 Off Road or less delivered to the Morgan County Highway Dept. FUEL MUST BE PREMIUM at bidders' pickup point with no additives added to make it premium. Cetane -Diesel-R 50 Off Road Diesel 51 CLASS 2.5 -2,000 DEF Fluid Gallons or less CLASS 3 Hot Bituminous Patch Item A 3,200 Tons or less HMA Type A Base, Binder, Surface FOB Venders Plant Commissioner's District #1 Item B 3,200 Tons or less HMA Type A Base, Binder, Surface FOB Venders Plant Commissioner's District #2 Item C 3,200 Tons or less HMA Type A, Base, Binder, Surface FOB Venders Plant Commissioner's District #3 CLASS 4 -Liquid Asphalt Materials -2,000 tons or less. CLASS 5 -Crushed Stone Item A -32,500 tons or less crushed stone. Item B - 32,500 tons or less crushed stone delivered to the Morgan County Highway Dept. stockpile including trucking Quote. CLASS 6 - Corrugated Aluminum, Plastic or Steel Culverts; Pre-engineered Bridge Packages. Item A - Corrugated Metal Pipe (Aluminized) Item B - Corrugated Aluminum Structural Plate Item C - Pre-engineered Bridge Packages Item D - HP Pipe/Corrugate Polypropylene Pipe Detailed specification for all classes and items is obtainable from the Morgan County Auditor or Highway Department. Each bid must be submitted on bid form #96 obtainable from the Morgan County Auditor. Each bid must be accompanied by a bidder's bond for in-State bidders and certified check for out-of-State bidders equal to 10% of the Bid or $2,000, whichever is less. Each bidder must place their bid in a sealed envelope indicating on the outside the class and the item number the enclosed bid pertains to. Should a bidder be bidding on more than one class or item, separate bids must be submitted in separate envelopes. The bidders must include their bidder's bond or certified check with their bid that is first scheduled to be opened. The Morgan County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and further reserve the right to waive any informality pertaining thereto.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Martinsville, IN

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