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Published January 26, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Alpena, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 16,000-square-foot educational facility.

No, union bids are not required for this project. Project estimated cost is $750,000 - $1,250,000. Qualified firms are invited to submit proposals to Alpena-Montmorency-Alcona Educational Service District (the "ESD") for Construction Management Services for a proposed project which may include: (1) Pre-Design Phase Services, (2) Design Phase Services, (3) Construction Phase Services, (4) PostConstruction Phase Services, and (5) other potential components to be determined (collectively, the "Project"). The successful firm is also expected to provide the ESD assistance in developing the full scope of the ESD's construction program and Project. The Project is the renovation and modernization of the 16,000 square foot Pied Piper School, which serves the ESD's students who are Moderately Cognitively Impaired, Severely Cognitively Impaired, Severely Multiply Impaired, and Autistic Impaired. The overall Project will have a classroom renewal and modernization focus, including a strong emphasis on assistive and adaptive technologies, furniture, and fixtures for classroom spaces serving the ESD's applicable student population. The Project is also likely to include work with HVAC systems, kitchen/outdoor areas, office spaces, and any other improvements to be determined by the ESD upon advice of the Architect and Construction Manager. The estimated construction cost at this stage is approximately $750,000 to $1,250,000, but bidders are placed on notice that the scope of the Project and its cost may be revised, expanded, or reduced before An agreement is executed between the selected Construction Management firm and the ESD. The ESD expects that it will use a Construction Manager-At-Risk/Constructor for this Project. The ESD reserves the right, however, to modify the form of delivery method prior to the execution of an agreement between the selected Construction Manager and ESD based on the proposals submitted. Unless the ESD modifies the project delivery method, the form of agreement between the selected bidder and the ESD will be as set forth in Attachment "A," hereto (the "Agreement"), which is premised on modified AIA Document A133 - 2019 Edition and AIA Document A201 - 2017 Edition. For the purpose of this RFP, the terms "proposal" and "bid" shall be treated as one and the same. Inquiries may be made to Justin Gluesing at the address above, via telephone at (989) 354-3101, or via email at gluesingj@amaesd.org. Information about the ESD is available during business hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.). The ESD reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change any dates, other than the deadline for submission, with or without notice. The ESD may change the deadline for submission with notice. If the ESD offices are closed due to inclement weather on the date upon which submissions are due, then the deadline for submission shall be moved to the next day that ESD offices are open. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The Project is the renovation and modernization of the 16,000 square foot Pied Piper School, which serves the ESD's students who are Moderately Cognitively Impaired, Severely Cognitively Impaired, Severely Multiply Impaired, and Autistic Impaired. The overall Project will have a classroom renewal and modernization focus, including a strong emphasis on assistive and adaptive technologies, furniture, and fixtures for classroom spaces serving the ESD's applicable student population. The Project is also likely to include work with HVAC systems, kitchen/outdoor areas, office spaces, and any other improvements to be determined by the ESD upon advice of the Architect and Construction Manager. The estimated construction cost at this stage is approximately $750,000 to $1,250,000, but bidders are placed on notice that the scope of the Project and its cost may be revised, expanded, or reduced before An agreement is executed between the selected Construction Management firm and the ESD.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Alpena, MI

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