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Renovation of a municipal facility in Richmond, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.
The Virginia Agricultural Council (VAC) supports agricultural research, education and services. Research includes uses for agricultural products, to develop new markets for such products, and to promote more efficient and economical methods of agricultural production. An expanded program of agricultural research is essential to these objectives and will be beneficial to the state. Examples of previously funded projects may be viewed in the past years' annual reports at website. PRE-PROPOSAL MODEL The Virginia Agricultural Council (VAC) has approved a pre-proposal model to evaluate research proposals that is designed to streamline proposal preparation and review. Pre-proposals are screened by VAC members, and selected investigators are invited to submit full proposals for consideration by the council. The prescreening process saves investigators from preparing and presenting proposals for projects that are considered unsuitable for support. Pre-proposals are evaluated by agricultural commodity group by a VAC subcommittee. Subcommittee members are appointed by the Chair based on member representation. FORMAT Pre-proposals must be submitted as a word document email attachment. Pre-proposes must be limited to three, single-spaced, 12-point font pages and should address the following: Objectives: What are the scientific objectives of the proposed project Approach: What methods will be used to accomplish the objectives Justification: What impact will the proposed research have on Virginia agriculture Benefit: What are the economic benefits of the research for Virginia's farmers. The pre-proposal should include the following information in a table at the beginning of the document: Principle investigator name and contact information (email, phone number). Co-investigators may also be included. ONLY ONE PROPOSAL PER PRINCIPLE INVESTIGATOR will be accepted. Project duration. Project duration should be at least one but no more than two years. First year funding request and total project budget. Second year funding is not guaranteed, and it is contingent on sufficient first year progress and reporting requirements fulfilled. Budget should not include salaried positions, wage or hourly positions, student tuition, severance, or indirect costs. Student (undergraduate or graduate) wage or hourly expenses may be included. Budgeted items should be directly related to the project and limited to quantities needed to complete the project. Equipment costs may not exceed $5,000. Commodity group. Chose the most appropriate agricultural commodity group from this list: Aquaculture Fruit/wine Livestock - Dairy Livestock - Beef Livestock - Hogs Livestock - Sheep Livestock - Goats Livestock - Horses Nursery plants/forestry Row crops Turf/seed Vegetable Educational Miscellaneous agriculture. Applicants will be notified electronically as to the status of their pre-proposals by February 1, 2023, and selected investigators will be invited to submit full proposals by February 24, 2023. HELPFUL HINTS Avoid jargon - Be mindful that the shorthand technological terms you use every day may be unfamiliar to the reviewers. Be realistic - Do not overstate the importance of the project. Have a layperson read it - Make sure someone outside of your discipline can understand what you want to do and how you plan to do it.
Public - State/Provincial
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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