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Published February 23, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of a mixed-use development in King George, Virginia. Completed plans call for the remodel of a educational facility.

SCOPE OF WORK: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals for a contractor to renovate a bathroom at Central High School and Lawson Marriott Elementary School. Inquiries regarding the technical aspects of this need and the bidding procedures of this solicitation should be directed to Emma L. Hundley, Chief Financial Officer at (804) 785-5981. BACKGROUND King and Queen County Public Schools is approximately 640 student rural school division with two PK-6 grade elementary schools and one grade 7-12 high school. Central High School currently has approximately 275 students attending in grades seven through twelve. Lawson Marriott Elementary School currently has approximately 195 students attending in grades Pk-6. PURPOSE The School Board is accepting proposals for a contractor to renovate a bathroom at Central High School and a bathroom at Lawson Marriott Elementary. The selected contractor will provide the School Board with professional services to realize the successful implementation of all aspects of the scope of work. SCOPE OF WORK Lawson Marriott Elementary - 1599 Newtown Rd, St. Stephens Church, VA 23148: Remodel/upgrade of existing restroom across the hall from the main office in order to provide an updated and fully functional restroom facility. o Redesign of restroom to include a minimum of two partitioned toiled staffs and two urinals with privacy panels o New tile on floors and walls (from floor to ceiling or to existing line) o Installation of drop ceiling o Replace existing light fixtures with LED flat panel fixtures o Install new toilets, urinals and sinks o If sink supply and drains are exposed, install safety covers o Install new touchless, automatic flush valves and faucets o Install new trap piping, supply valves, floor drain covers and clean out covers o Install new toilet and urinal flanges as needed o Replace in-room, cold water spigot o Replace in-room, wall mounted heater o Repair/replace existing exhaust fans o Install shatterproof safety mirrors o Paint walls o To include all labor and materials to complete the project o To include any and all demolition and debris removal Central High School - 17024 The Trail, King & Queen CH, VA 23085: Remodel/upgrade of existing restroom located on the main hall in order to provide an updated and fully functional restroom facility o New tile on floors and walls (from floor to ceiling or to current line) o Replace existing ceiling tile o Replace existing light fixtures with LED flat panel fixtures o Replace existing toilet partitions o Install new urinal partitions o Install new toilets, urinals, and sinks o If sink supply and drains are exposed, install safety covers o Install new touchless automatic flush valves and faucets o Install new trap piping, supply valves, floor drain covers and clean out covers o Install new toilet and urinal flanges as needed o Replace in-room, cold water spigot o Repair/replace existing exhaust fans o Install shatterproof safety mirrors o Paint walls o To include all labor and materials to complete the project o To include any and all demolition and debris removal PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS A. Proposals should include a brief description of the firm, including firm history, expertise, and organization structure. B. Proposals shall be signed by an authorized representative of the firm. By submitting a proposal, the firm certifies that all information provided in response to this RFP is true and accurate. Failure to provide information required by this RFP will ultimately result in rejection of the proposal. C. A list of three past and current clients. Include name, address, phone number and a provide a brief description of the services provided and dates of service. D. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the proposer capabilities for satisfying the requirements of the RFP. E. Timeline of project. F. The Respondent's proposal shall include: the completed and signed RFP cover page; One (1) manually signed original and four (4) copies of the proposal shall be submitted. Each copy of the proposal shall be bound in a single volume where practical. G. As part of the proposal contractors and subcontractors must meet the Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage requirements and will be required to show proof if necessary. H. Any information thought to be relevant, but not specifically applicable to the enumerated scope of work, may be provided as an appendix to the proposal. I. Proposals should include the itemized cost of the two locations separately. (i.e. Lawson Marriott project itemized cost $$$ and Central High School itemized project cost $$$). EVALUATION PROCESS King and Queen County Public Schools will use the competitive negotiation process (as outlined in the Virginia Procurement Act, specifically ( 2.2-4301 and 2.2-4302.2). AWARD OF THE CONTRACT The School Board shall reserve the right to negotiate with any company/supplier submitting a response to alter, clarify, or further enhance the company's proposals and/or any contract arising out of the acceptance of the response. METHOD OF PAYMENT Invoices shall be submitted directly to Accounts Payable. You may submit invoices electronically to mgonzalez@kqps.net or mail them to: King and Queen County Public Schools Attn: Accounts PayableP.O. Box 97 King and Queen C.H., VA 23085.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, King George, VA

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