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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Collinsville, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
For Fiber Optic & Copper Network Cables. This consist of three projects. A. At Bassett High School, install six (6) strands of single mode fiber optic cable from the main network cabinet in the school to the press box at the football field. Install a wall mount network cabinet 1n the press box. The network cabinet shall be at least 12 rack units and lockable. The distance within the school is approximately 150 meters. The distance between the school and the press box is approximately 575 meters. B. At Magna Vista High School, install six (6) strands of single mode fiber optic cable from the main network cabinet in the school to the press box at the football field. Install a wall mount network cabinet in the press box. The network cabinet shall be at least 12 rack units and lockable. The distance within the school is approximately 100 meters. The distance between the school and the press box is approximately 483 meters. C. At Fieldale Collinsville Middle School, install a classroom lab in room 17. Install a wall mount network cabinet in the classroom for the classroom lab. The lab will require six (6) data poles with 4 network drops on each pole and six (6) surface mounted two (2) gang network drops as directed for the smart board, printers, etc. Proposals received after the announced time and date of receipt, by mail or otherwise, will be returned unopened. If the County closes its offices due to inclement weather or for other reasons, the scheduled Request for Proposal submission deadline will be extended to the first open business day at the same time, unless an addendum is done that states otherwise. Nothing herein is intended to exclude any responsible firm or in any way restrain or restrict competition. On the contrary, all responsible firms, small, local, faith-based, women - owned and minority-owned (SWAM) are encouraged to submit a proposal. The County/PSA reserves the right to reject any or all of the proposals, to waive informalities and to award in part or in whole any or all proposals to multiple vendors or a single vendor as a result of this solicitation. Any proposal submitted MUST be signed by an individual authorized to bind the offer. Enclosed is a Proposal Requirements and Non-Collusion Statement that must be signed and returned with the proposal or proposal may be rejected. If you desire not to quote on this proposal, please forward your acknowledgement of NO PROPOSAL SUBMITTED to the above address. Otherwise, your name shall be removed from our bidders list after three (3) non-responses. Any proprietary information submitted by a vendor shall be in a separate sealed envelope and duly marked as proprietary along with the RFP number and company name. A cover sheet must be attached on the front of all proprietary documents, within the envelope, stating the reason why protection is necessary. No vendor is allowed to mark their entire Request for Proposal (RFP) as proprietary per the Code of Virginia 2.2-4342 (F). Also, if a USB Flash Drive is required it shall have proprietary information listed in separate documents on the Flash Drive, from the rest of the RFP and be clearly named as proprietary documents. If these requirements are not met then the vendor may be rejected for not complying. All other documents are subject to the Freedom of Information Act and open to public viewing. A notice of award will be signed and publicly posted in the County/PSA Purchasing Office once this RFP has been approved. The date on the notice of award will be when the RFP becomes effective (not date of service). Please reference page 11 of this proposal for Term of Contract. We reserve the right to negotiate extending this contract for not more than one (1) additional year after original contract terms without having to go through any other procurement process. The above terms shall override any other written terms in this RFP and/or verbal comments made during negotiations, unless authorized by Chief Purchasing Agent. Vendors shall be responsible for acquiring all the proper permits/licenses required by local and state authorities in conjunction with this proposal. Proposal prices shall include these fees and no additional costs are to be assessed to the County/PSA. Vendors attention 1s directed to the requirements of title 54, chapter 11, of the code of Virginia pertaining to registration of contractors. (if applicable) Please contact Elizabeth Fulcher, for any questions pertaining to this RFP. All workmanship shall be warranted against defects for one (1) year from date of completion. The Owner shall engage in individual discussions and may interview Proposers deemed fully qualified, responsible and suitable on the basis of initial responses, and with competence to provide the required services. Repetitive informal interviews are permitted. Proposers shall be encouraged to elaborate on their qualifications, performance data, and expertise relevant to the proposed contract. this contavt may also be used for additional network connections through a mutual agreement for up to a maximum of four (4) additional one year terms in any of our other school facilities.
Public - County
Service, Maintenance and Supply
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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