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Published December 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a detention facility in Huttonsville, West Virginia. Working plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

As of December 28, 2022, bids were cancelled. No definite date for the rebid. Vendors may submit questions relating to this Solicitation to the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Questions must be submitted in writing. All questions must be submitted on or before the date listed below and to the address listed below in order to be considered. A written response will be published in a Solicitation addendum if a response is possible and appropriate. Non-written discussions, conversations, or questions and answers regarding this Solicitation are preliminary in nature and are nonbinding. Submitted e-mails should have solicitation number in the subject line. Question Submission Deadline: Submit Questions to: 2:00 PM E.S.T. on December 8, 2022 1409 Greenbrier Street Charleston, WV 25311 Fax: (304) 957-7622 Email: Philip.K.Farley@wv.gov (Email is the preferred method.). ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION: The State may accept or reject any bid in whole, or in part in accordance with W. Va. Code of State Rules 148-1-4.5. and 148-1-6.4.b." Scope- Replacement Windows ( Double hung windows) A. At Huttonsville Correctional Center and Jail, there are fourteen (14) existing windows that are old and must be replaced with vinyl double hung insulated windows inserts. Additional information on the requirements is listed below: B. New vinyl double hung insulated windows: 1. The new windows must be type vinyl. 2. The new windows must have two sperate layers of glass. 3. The new windows must have low E and argon gas in-between the two layers of glass. 4. The new windows must meet the attached specification section 08560, series 200 double hung vinyl windows. 5. If the contractor does not have to provide the specified manufacture in the previously stated specification section 05860, but they must submit their information on the alternate manufacture during the questions and answer period with the documents that show that the product meets or exceeds the specified requirements. C. The contractor is responsible for getting the required measurement for each of the specified windows that must be replaced. The DCR is not responsible for getting the window measurements for the contractor. D. Installation of new windows: 1. The contractor must remove what parts of the existing windows that must be removed to install the new vinyl inserts. 2. The contractor must install the new vinyl window inserts as per what is specified in the manufacturer's installation requirements. 3. The contractor must wrap the exterior of the existing window frames and the new vinyl inserts windows with metal and install caulk. E. The contractor is responsible for disposing all items that are removed to install the new vinyl windows. F. The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, and equipment necessary to complete all Construction Services. The Contractor shall furnish any incidental work, materials, labor, and equipment that are necessary to complete the Construction Services, even if such incidental work is not explicitly included in the Project Plans Manual and Contract Drawings. G. Please see the following attachments for pictures of the existing window. 1. Attachment #1: Existing windows H. Contract drawings for reference, Exhibit B: 1. Sketch of existing windows that must be replaced.

Final Planning

Jails / Prisons


Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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US-250, Huttonsville, WV

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