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Published December 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Potsdam, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and parking garage.

High School SED Control No.: 51-29-02-06-0-001-016 Middle School SED Control No.: 51-29-02-06-0-005-016 L.a. Elementary School SED Control No.: 51-29-02-06-0-002-016 Special Education Services Building SED Control No.: 51-29-02-06-0-011-005 Bus Garage SED Control No.: 51-29-02-06-5-004-012 Bidders must submit a sealed list naming each subcontractor and the amount to be paid to each. The list may not be changed unless the public owner finds a legitimate construction need, including a change in specifications or costs or use of a project labor agreement (PLA), and must be open to public inspection. Contractor shall be aware of new requirement under the Wicks 2008 law reform. Bidders for Prime Contract Work may obtain Contract Documents from Dataflow, 2215 Central Avenue, Schenectady, NY, 12304, 518-463-2192, and upon payment of a deposit of $100 for each complete set and a separate non-refundable shipping and handling fee for each set (make checks payable to Potsdam Central School District). Partial sets or sections of the Contract Documents for use by subcontractors may be obtained from the Architect upon making a request list of drawings numbers and Project Manual sections desired, and upon payment equal to the cost of duplicating same. No part of such payment shall be refunded. Bids shall be on the form provided in the documents, prepared in duplicate as set forth in the Instructions to Bidders and enclosed in an envelope bearing on its face the name and address of the bidder and the title of work to which the proposal relates. If submitting for more than one contract, submit each contract bid in separate envelope. Any Bidder upon returning such set in good condition within thirty (30) days after Bid opening will be refunded the deposit. Any Bidder after thirty (30) days after Bid opening or Non-Bidder so returning such a set will not be refunded. The Board of Education hereby reserves the right to waive any informalities and reject any or all Bids or to accept the one that in its judgment will be for the best interest of the school district. A Bid Bond or Certified Check made payable to the Owner in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Bid, subject to the conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders, must be deposited by each Bidder with his Bid as a guarantee that, in the case the contract is awarded to him, he will then, ten days thereafter, execute such contract and furnish a satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond, and the Bidder shall not withdraw his Bid for a period of forty-five days after the above date of Bid opening, and to guarantee the performance of all other obligations of the Bidders as set forth in Instructions to Bidders. Attention of the Bidders is called to the requirements as to the conditions of employment and minimum wage rates to be paid under this Contract as well as to other provisions set forth in the Instruction to Bidders. Work shall be commenced and continuously and diligently prosecuted immediately after contracts have been signed. Project to begin 2/20/23 and completed by 8/23/24




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Multiple Locations, Potsdam, NY

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