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Published November 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in St George, Utah. Completed plans call for the construction of a 63,000-square-foot municipal facility; for site work for a municipal facility; 145,000-square-foot parking garage; parking garage; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Wells Fargo ATM Relocation: The project includes the creation of a new drive-up ATM. The work includes site modifications, the demolition of a small building, the building of a new retaining wall and power and data relocation. City Hall: The project includes the building of a new 63,000 S.F. City Hall building. The building will feature a community room on the North side of the facility and city offices on the South side of the facility. The 2 different functions will be separated by a large 60' Atrium. To the South of the facility will be a large plaza area. Parking Garage: The project includes the building of a new 4-story 145,000 S.F. parking garage. The parking garage will be comprised of a post-tensioned slab and will have approximately 300 parking stalls. The City of St. George Facilities Services, hereinafter referred to as the "Owner", is seeking proposals from qualified proposers to provide construction manager / general contractor ("CM / GC") services for the St. George City Hall, Parking Structure and Wells Fargo ATM Relocation (the "project"). The project's contract documents will be created by Galloway & Company, Inc. and shall be hereinafter referred to as the "Architect". Proposal Requirements: o Proposals shall reflect the best and most current information and offers. o Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the proposers. o CM / GC responding to this RFP shall have completed similar municipal, county or state facilities utilized for the delivery of Municipal services and activities. The responding firm shall also demonstrate a general history of constructing other projects for municipal, county or state agencies. To be considered for the project, the consultant shall submit five (5) copies of its complete proposal. Materials shall be 8 1/2 " x 11", portrait format. Charts may be in 8 1/2 " x 11" x 17" landscape style format. +")" 1/,+& ,-6,#1%" ,*-)"1"-/,-,0 )&+ #,/* 10% )) )0, "02 *&11"! Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope that is clearly marked with the name of the project, the company name, and a statement that the envelope contains a proposal. o The proposal shall not exceed 25 pages, exclusive of covers and dividers. o All proposals shall become the property of the Owner. o Information contained in the proposal must be clearly marked and delineated. The Owner may release any information contained in the proposal that is not marked and delineated as proprietary 30 days following the execution of a contract for services. All questions, comments, and requests for information regarding this RFP shall be directed to: Carlos Robles St. George City Facilities Services Manager 435.627.4126 carlos.robles@sgcity.org Chris Child Galloway & Company, Inc. Project Manager 801.533.2100 chrischild@gallowayus.com The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality or technicality, or to accept proposals deemed to be in the best interest of the Owner. Liquidated Damages will be imposed at $1,500.00 per calendar day




Public - City

New Construction, Site Work



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