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Published December 2, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Griffin, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City is seeking bids for tree pruning and removal services throughout the City for the period beginning December 1, 2022 with the potential of up to four (4) annual renewals. The supplier will furnish all of the necessary labor, supervision, tools, equipment, supplies, materials and expertise to accomplish the pruning or removal of such trees. Trees will vary in DBH (diameter at breast height) and will be identified by the City. In addition to the routine pruning and occasional tree removal for the City's maintenance needs, there is currently an extensive inventory of trees that have been marked for removal in order of priority. The supplier will be given a listing of this inventory and can coordinate those assignments on a regular schedule. For any bid as required and noted in Section 1 of this bid document, a one hundred ten percent (110%) Performance bond and a one hundred percent (100%) Payment bond shall be furnished payable to, in favor of, and for the protection of the City. When Bid bonds are required, they must be in a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the total amount of the supplier's response and may be in the form of a surety issued bond or cashier's check made payable to the City of Griffin. Bid bonds are returned to the unsuccessful suppliers when the Notice of Award has been issued or contract has been executed. When bonding is required, failure to submit appropriate bonding will result in automatic rejection of bid. Performance and/or Payment bonds must be presented within ten (10) days of the Notice of Intent to Award or prior to the award of contract, whichever is later. Surety companies executing bonds must appear on the Treasury Department's most current publication (Circular 570 as amended) and be authorized to do business in Georgia. Unless otherwise specified, bonds shall be in effect for a period of one year from the completion of the project. The bond amounts shall be increased as the contract amount is increased. No alternative securities are currently accepted in lieu of performance or payment surety bonds. Questions due Friday, December 2, 2022. For all questions about this Bid contact: Sherri Huggins shuggins@cityofgriffin.com. All questions, including questions regarding specification/technical issues and administrative issues, must be in writing to Procurement. The Procurement Analyst's contact email and the deadline for questions is noted in Section. 1.2. Address: Sherri Huggins Procurement City of Griffin P. O. Box T, Griffin, GA 30224 Email: shuggins@cityofgriffin.com The City reserves the right to: a) reject any and all submittals received outside the time/place stated in the notice; b) reject any submittals which show omissions, irregularities, alteration of forms or unsolicited responses; c) waive any minor technicalities of form, or formalities of the responses without prejudice to other responses; d) reject any or all bids or any part thereof; e) obtain clarification on any point in a respondent submittal or obtain additional information; f) accept the bid that is evaluated as the lowest responsible and responsive, regardless of whether or not it is in fact the lowest in price; g) award the bids received on the basis of individual items or on the entire list of items. The City also reserves the right to cancel this bid at any time and will not be liable for any cost/losses incurred by the Supplier throughout this process. Where applicable, the City reserves the right to make multiple awards or to award a contract by individual line items or alternatives, by group of line items or alternatives, or to make an aggregate award, whichever is deemed most advantageous to the City. If the City determines that an aggregate award to one supplier is not in the City's best interest, "all or none" offers will be rejected.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Griffin, GA

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