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Site work for a service station / car wash facility in Flint, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a service station / car wash facility.

The Genesee County Road Commission is soliciting bids to furnish all labor, equipment materials and supplies necessary for the performance of work described herein and meet operational standards unless otherwise specified at the Flint Garage located at 211 W. Oakley Street, Flint, MI. The work includes but is not limited to installing a new tank, reel and fuel mast pedestal in the Fleet Maintenance Garage light duty bay to dispense OW-20 motor oil. Bidder understands and agrees that all necessary permits, licenses and insurances must be obtained and that all applicable federal, state and local codes, laws and regulations must be complied with. The Genesee County Road Commission reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, in whole or in part, and waive any irregularities or formalities therein. The Work is more specifically described as: Supply and install new 275 gallon, single walled, UL-142 listed, bench tank to match the existing tank. Supply and install new hose reel and handle with counter, pump, meter pulse and solenoid valve. Supply and install tank top venting and spill bucket. Runair line into new pump. e Install all necessary decals. Install a new Fuel Master pedestal for the new tank, along with pulsars on oil pumps. Set FuelMaster pedestal up to work with GCRC vehicle cards and FuelMaster plus software (Syntech) to track usage using provided GCRC IP addresses. GCRC electricians will perform the electrical work. Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: N/A Question Deadline: Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 10:00 a.m., Local Time Purchasing Contact: Stephanie Jaeger, Purchasing Administrator, (810) 767-4920 ext. 271, Any questions regarding this bid request should be emailed to Questions received after the date and time above may not be considered. Vendors are specifically directed to not contact other Road Commission staff; unauthorized contact of any Road Commission Department employee may result in rejection of bid submittal. All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked BID - ITEM 122 - OIL TANK INSTALLATION The Genesee County Road Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive any defect or irregularity in bids. The Genesee County Road Commission reserves the right to accept any separate item in the bid; and to accept the bid that, in the opinion of Genesee County Road Commission, is to the best advantage and interest of the public we serve. The submission of a bid hereunder shall be considered evidence that the vendor is satisfied with respect to the conditions to be encountered and the character, quantity and quality of work to be performed. Bids shall be in conformance with the documents. The Bid Form must be completed entirely and submitted with the bid. Any deviation from the specifications must be noted on the bid. The Genesee County Road Commission reserves the right to terminate the contract without penalty upon 30 days written notice due to poor performance or for reasons deemed to be in its best interest. A designated representative of the Genesee County Road Commission will be solely responsible for determining acceptable performance levels. His/her decision will be deemed in the Genesee County Road Commissions best interest and will be final. The Genesee County Road Commission reserves the right to re-award the contract to the second most qualified proposal, re-bid the contract or do whatever is deemed to be in its best interest. The successful bidder must meet and provide all requirements as outlined in the specifications package as contained herein. The bid form contains general specifications which are used as the basis for the overall bid evaluation. All bids shall be in conformance with and subject to General Specifications and other bid documents as contained herein. Bids shall be in conformance with and subject to the instructions in the bid documents. The Bid Form must be completed entirely and submitted with the Bid. All bid prices shall remain in effect for at least ninety (90) days from the date of the bid opening to allow for the award of the bid. The successful proposer will be required to hold pricing during the term of the contract. No bidder may withdraw a bid after the actual date of the opening thereof except in a case where a bidder demonstrates to the Genesee County Road Commissions reasonable satisfaction that a material and substantial mistake was made in preparing the bid, in which event the bidder shall have 24 hours after the opening of the bid to deliver to the GCRC notice, in wniting, that the bidder desires to withdraw the bid and state the reasons therefore. Once a bid is withdrawn, it may not be rebid. Prevailing wage: Not applicable The Genesee County Road Commission reserves the right to waive any informalities, immaterial omissions, defects not involving price, time or changes in the work and award multiple contracts. In the case of error in the extension of prices in the bid or other arithmetic error, the unit price shall govern. No bid will be accepted from any person, firm or corporation who is in arrears upon any obligation to the Genesee County Road Commission or who otherwise may be deemed responsible or unreliable by the County.


Service Station / Car Wash


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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211 W Oakley St, Flint, MI

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